10 Front End Framework Terbaik untuk Developer

10 Best Front End Frameworks for Developers

 There are many ways to build a website frontage through coding. One of the easiest is to use the front end framework. You can create an attractive and professional website look faster. 

     Nowadays, there are many front end frameworks available that you can try. Of course, each framework has its own advantages and disadvantages. So, which one is best for you?

     So, instead of bothering to try the frameworks one by one until you find one that works, we will review the 10 best front end frameworks for developers. At the same time, it helps you choose which framework is the most appropriate.

     Curious, right? Check out this article!

Here are the 10 best front end frameworks based on ratings obtained on Github:

1. Vue.js

          Github Rating: 190K Stars

     Vue.js is the highest-rated front end framework on Github. This framework was launched in 2014 by Evan You. Someone who is also one of the creators of the Angular framework.

     Vue.js is an MVVM (Model-View ViewModel) type framework built on top of the JavaScript. This front end framework has simple code writing rules, so it is easy for beginners to use.

     In addition, the size of the Vue.js is also relatively small, only 18 KB! Even so, his ability was unquestionable. Because, it can be used to build web app, mobile app, hingga progressive web app (PWA).

     Featured Features Vue.js:

  • Virtual DOM (Document Object Model) – A mock of the Real DOM to save and review code changes before deploying them in the Real DOM.
  • Components – Create and manage custom elements in the HTML, so that it can be used repeatedly.
  • Two-way Data Binding – Making every code change in JavaScript affects the appearance of the HTML, and vice versa.

    Advantages Vue.js:

  • Complete and detailed documentation.
  • Easy to use for developers with JavaScript skills.
  • It is very flexible to design the structure of the application.
  • Supports TypeScript, bahasa pemrograman JavaScript-based.

    Kekurangan Vue.js:

  • Komponen yang tersedia belum stabil.
  • Komunitas belum terlalu besar.
  • Kebanyakan plugin dan komponen ditulis dengan bahasa Mandarin sehingga sulit digunakan.

    Use Vue.js if:

    Vue.js is a front end framework that is suitable for building small-scale projects from scratch, especially those with a single page application (SPA).

   Do not use Vue.js if:

   Vue.js is not recommended for large-scale projects, given the unstable components and the support of the community is still minimal.

   Examples of Vue.js Usage:
   Examples of Vue.js Usage: Some of the companies that have used Vue.js include 9gag, Alibaba, Reuters, and Xiaomi.

     2. React

          Github Rating: 178 ribu bintang

    React is the best front end framework built by the world's tech giant, Facebook (now Meta) in 2011. React is an open source framework under the MIT software license.

    This tool is not actually a pure front end framework, but rather a JavaScript-based library. Even so, it still has various features like a framework, for example the DOM.

    In addition, React also has stable performance. This makes it reliable to build PWAs and SPAs that are prepared to accommodate a lot of traffic.

    React Standout Features:

  • Virtual DOM – Just like Vue.js, React is also equipped with a Virtual DOM that is useful for storing various code changes.
  • Libraries Integration – This makes React usable in conjunction with various JavaScript-based libraries.
  • JSX (JavaScript XML) – JavaScript syntax extensions to make it easy to modify the DOM with HTML-formatted code.

    Pros of React:

  • Components can be used repeatedly on different application pages.
  • Ease of writing components without the need to introduce (declare) the Class.
  • Provides a variety of developer tools with abundant features.

    React Cons:s

  • Variable documentation, given the frequency of updates that are too frequent.
  • It is a bit difficult for beginners to learn because JSX tends to be complicated.

    Use React if:

    React is best used to build SPAs that tend to be complex and require many user interface components such as navigation panels, buttons, and accordions.

    In addition, React is also more suitable when used with other libraries such as Redux, because it can improve SPA performance.

    Don't use React if:

    React is not suitable for those of you who are beginners and don't understand JavaScript, especially JSX which has more complicated code rules than regular JavaScript.

    Example of using React:

    In addition to being a Facebook framework, React has also been used to build various other popular websites such as Netflix, Reddit, and Pinterest.

    3. Angular

         Github Rating: 77 ribu bintang

    In addition to React, it turns out that there is another best front end framework made by another tech giant. The framework in question is Angular developed by Google since 2009.

    Similar to React, Angular is also an open source framework. Well, this front end framework is of type MVC (Model View Controller) and is built with the TypeScript language.

    Unfortunately, Angular has quite complicated rules for writing code. In addition, the size is also relatively large, namely 566 KB. Even so, Angular has proven to be reliable for building web and mobile apps, PWAs, and RIA (Rich Internet Apps).

    Angular Featured Features:

  • Directives – It makes it easier for developers to set up the DOM so that it can produce more dynamic HTML-formatted content.
  • Hierarchical Injections – Simplify the management of code components for testing or reuse purposes.
  • Two-way Data Binding – Similar to Vue.js, Angular uses two-way data binding for easy synchronization between Models and Views.

    Pros of Angular:

  • Any code change can be displayed instantly thanks to Two-way Data Binding.
  • You can use components repeatedly by simply writing a component.
  • The number of lines of code required to build an app is smaller.
  • Official support from Google and the broad community.

    Disadvantages of Angular:

  • It's a bit difficult for beginners to learn, considering the rules of writing code that are quite complicated.
  • The resulting application structure tends to be complicated, so it can degrade application performance.
  • Limited SEO capabilities so lacking SEO Friendly.

    Use Angular if:

    Angular is the best front end framework for building complex applications for large-scale business purposes.

    Do not use Angular if:

    Angular is not a good fit for building simple and lightweight applications given its complexity. In addition, it is also not suitable for websites with the purpose of capturing traffic, because it is less SEO Friendly.

    Examples of Angular Usage:

    In addition to being used to build various Google services, Angular is also used by many companies ranging from Forbes, LEGO, UPS, and BMW.

     4. jQuery

          Github Rating: 55 ribu bintang

     jQuery is one of the oldest Front End Frameworks released since 2006. Even so, jQuery is still quite relevant to be used to build websites, mobile apps, and desktop apps.

     Just like React, jQuery is actually a JavaScript library and not a framework. Well, jQuery has a main function, which is to manipulate CSS and DOM so as to produce a more interactive website.

     In addition, jQuery also offers ease of use by trimming JavaScript code writing rules to be more concise. jQuery is also supported by a broad and experienced community.

     Featured Features of jQuery:

  • Versatile Event Handling – Trim the number of lines of code for commands that involve user activity, such as mouse clicks.
  • jQuery Mobile – Framework HTML5 System-UI to make it easier for developers to build mobile apps.
  • Browser Interchangeability – Able to run various functions in almost any browser without experiencing significant problems.

    Advantages of jQuery:

  • Easy to learn and use by beginners due to simple coding
  • Supports almost all browsers on the market.
  • Provides a wide selection of plugins to add to its features.

    Disadvantages of jQuery:

  • Quite large, one jQuery package consists of all DOM components, Events, Effects, and AJAX.
  • The performance is relatively slow, considering the large size.
  • It does not have a Data Layer, so the process of manipulating the DOM becomes more complicated.

    Use jQuery if:

     jQuery is more suitable for building JavaScript-based desktop applications. In addition, jQuery is also a great choice for building interactive websites to be used in various types of browsers.

    Don't Use jQuery If:

    jQuery is not suitable for building modern website ecosystems such as PWAs, SPAs, or web apps. This is because of the absence of a Data Layer which can cause slow performance.

    Example of jQuery Usage:

    Some of the companies listed to use jQuery include Microsoft, Uber, Twitter, and Pandora.

    5. Svelte

          Github Rating: 52 ribu bintang

     In contrast to jQuery, Svelte is the best front end framework with the youngest age on this list. Because, Svelte was only launched in 2016.

     Unlike the others, Svelte is not a framework or library, but rather a compiler. Well, this compiler is based on JavaScript, HTML, and CSS at the same time.

     Despite combining three elements, the performance remains stable. In fact, Svelte is considered one of the fastest frameworks today. In addition, it is also relatively light because the rules of writing code tend to be concise.

     Svelte Featured Features:

  • Modularity Principles – Grouping various components and then isolating them makes the application development process easier.
  • Boilerplate-free Coding – Uniformly generates modules in the form of Vanilla JavaScript from HTML, CSS, and JavaScript formatted components.

     Pros of Svelte:

  • It's lighter and simpler because it can use existing JavaScript libraries.
  • Faster performance than other popular frameworks such as React or Angular.
  • Minimalist code rules so that the application development process is faster.

     Cons of Svelte:

  • Minimal and underdeveloped community support
  • The developer tools available are still few.
  • It is not very popular because it is still relatively new.

     Use Svelte if:

     Svelte will be suitable for building small-scale projects with a small number of developers. This compiler is also the best choice for those of you who are still beginners considering the conciseness of the code rules.

     Do not use Svelte if:

     Svelte is not the best choice for building large-scale projects, given the lack of community support and the few tools available.

     Examples of Svelte Usage:

     Some popular websites built using Svelte include The New York Times, 1Password, and Rakuten.

    6. Semantic UI

          Github Rating: 47 ribu bintang

     Similar to Svelte, Semantic UI is a front end framework that is still relatively new. The framework was only launched in 2014 by Jack Lukicthis, a full stack developer.

     Well, Semantic UI is a CSS-based framework. That's why, this front end framework doesn't use DOM or Data Binding at all.

     Even so, Semantic UI supports integration with other frameworks, such as React, Angular, and Ember.js. In addition, it also provides third-party plugin support to add to its features.

     Outstanding Features of Semantic UI:

  • Themes Collections – Provides thousands of themes and dozens of components to beautify and add features related to the interface.
  • Exchangeable Concepts – Adopt human language into the rules of writing code, for example when writing Classes.
  • Development Toolset – It makes it easy to configure CSS, JavaScript, and Fonts, so it can be used for other applications with just one write.

     Advantages of Semantic UI:

  • There are a wide selection of themes and UI components.
  • Easy-to-understand code writing rules.
  • Supports various integrations so many features can be added.

     Disadvantages of Semantic UI:

  • The package size is quite large.
  • Community support is still minimal.
  • Built-in features and functions that tend to be limited.

     Use Semantic UI if:

     Semantic UI is the best front end framework for building applications with an attractive, responsive, but lightweight user interface.

     Don't Use Semantic UI if:

     Semantic UI is not the right choice for those of you who lack JavaScript proficiency. The reason is that the built-in features are quite limited and can only work optimally when integrated with other frameworks.

     Examples of Semantic UI Usage:

     Semantic UI is widely used by several well-known companies such as Snapchat, Ovrsea, Kmong, and Accenture.

    7. Preact

         Github Rating: 30 ribu bintang

     Preact is a front end framework launched in 2015 by Jason Miller. As the name implies, this framework is an alternative to React. Because, it has features and API yang hampir mirip dengan React.

     Even so, Preact is much smaller than React, which is only 3 KB! That way, the resulting application is lighter in size and has agile performance.

     Just like React, Preact is actually a library and not a pure framework. Even so, this front end framework already uses Virtual DOM like a framework.

     Preact Featured Features:

  • Preact CLI – Preact's built-in Command Line-based tool, to speed up app development.
  • Link State Module – Responsible for optimizing any changes to the components used automatically.
  • ES6 API – Make it easier for developers to switch to Preact on applications that have already been built.

     Kelebihan Preact:

  • The size is very small so that it eases the workload of the built application.
  • Agile performance because it uses Virtual DOM in a compact way of working.
  • Compatible with almost all ecosystems that exist on React, such as components and plugins.

     Cons of Preact:

  • Less popular and relatively small community, when compared to React.
  • It doesn't support propTypes, a key feature in React, so it only supports migrations with the ES6 API.

     Use Preact if:

     Preact is the right choice for building websites both from scratch and modifications from existing ones, especially those that were previously built using React.

    Don't Use Preact If:

    Preact is not recommended for those of you who are still beginners and have not mastered React. With the lack of community support, it's better to learn React first before switching to Preact.

    Examples of Preact Usage:

    8. Foundation

         Github Rating: 29 ribu bintang

     Unlike some of the frameworks above such as Vue.js and jQuery which are suitable for beginners, this framework is more aimed at advanced developers. It is Foundation, a front end framework launched by Zurn in 2011.

     This framework based on JavaScript, HTML, and CSS at the same time is indeed specifically aimed at building large-scale projects within the scope of the company. Foundation is supported with a variety of features for advanced development.

     In fact, Foundation also has a special framework for building SPAs with Foundation for Apps. There is also a framework aimed at creating an email application called Foundation for Email.

     Fitur-Fitur Unggulan Foundation:

  • GPU Acceleration – Improve app performance when rendering animations, whether on mobile or desktop. 
  • Autonomous Project – It makes it easier for developers to overcome complexity so that they can learn Foundation faster. 

     Advantages of Foundation:

  • Supports integration with HTML5 libraries, e.g. Form Validation.
  • Automatic rendering for displays that adapt to different devices.
  • Advanced customization to produce an attractive display.

     Foundation Cons:

  • It's quite difficult for novice developers to learn.
  • Community support is still minimal because it is not very popular.

     Use Foundation if:

     Foundation is the right front end framework to beautify the appearance of a website with CSS components, but still pay attention to the aspect responsive website on a variety of devices.

    Don't use Foundation if:

    Foundation is not a suitable framework to use if you are still a beginner. Because, how to change the code and customization is complicated and confusing.

    Examples of Foundation Uses:

    Foundation has been used on several websites owned by leading companies, such as eBay, Mozilla, Disney, Amazon, and National Geographic.

   9. Backbone.js

        Github Rating: 27 ribu bintang

     Backbone.js is a front end framework developed by Jeremy Ashkenas, the author of CoffeeScript in 2010. This framework is an open source framework published under the MIT software license.

     Backbone.js is classified as an MVC-type framework built on the JavaScript language. This front end framework is considered the easiest to use framework because of its simple code writing rules.

     With simple code rules, its capabilities are still not to be underestimated. This is because Backbone.js can be used to build SPA smoothly.

     Fitur-Fitur Unggulan Backbone.js:

  • Key-Value Binding & Custom Events – Similar to Two-way Data Binding, making any changes to the Model affect the View, and vice versa.
  • API Integration – Allows websites to communicate with other languages or applications through existing APIs, such as RESTful JSON.

     Advantages Backbone.js:

  • Fast performance and a lightweight size.
  • It is very easy to learn even for beginners.
  • It's easy to build more complex systems thanks to the API.

     Disadvantages Backbone.js:

  • It only provides tools for standard version developers with limited capabilities.
  • You have to write code in the form of a Boilerplate (writing in many places) in order for the Model and View to communicate with each other.

     Use Backbone.js if:

     Backbone.js is the right front end framework for building small to large-scale dynamic applications. The reason is that it can separate the logic and display of the application so that it maintains faster application performance.

     Do not use Backbone.js if:

     If you want to build an application with a popular framework, Backbone.js is not the right choice considering its declining popularity.

     Examples of Backbone.js use:

      Some examples of companies that use Backbone.js framework include Trello and Tumblr.

     10. Ember.js

             Github Rating: 22 ribu bintang

     Ember.js is a front end framework developed in 2011 by Yehuda Katz. Just like some of the previous frameworks, it also includes an open source framework under the MIT license.

     Well, Ember.js is an MVVM-type framework built with the JavaScript language. In contrast to Backbone.js, this one framework is considered one of the hardest frameworks to learn.

     In fact, his ability is unquestionable. Ember.js is indeed designed to meet the needs of website and mobile app development through a variety of excellent features.

     Featured Features Ember.js:

  • Two-way Data Binding – Facilitates synchronization between Models and Views in real time.
  • Fastboot.js Module – Provides a variety of templates, tools, and plugins to reduce the number of lines of code, add functionality, and improve performance.
  • Large Ecosystem – Provides a variety of templates, tools, and plugins to reduce the number of lines of code, add functionality, and improve performance.

     Advantages Ember.js:

  • Server-side rendering that makes website pages appear faster.
  • Fast and responsive performance thanks to a variety of built-in tools such as routing and testing.
  • Complete documentation.

     Disadvantages Ember.js:

  • Community support is still minimal.
  • Creators who rarely make updates.
  • The rigid structure of the code makes it difficult to learn.
  • Too many features so it's not suitable for simple applications.

    Use Ember.js if:

    Ember.js is an ideal front end framework for building complex applications and providing a wide range of features, be it mobile apps or SPAs.

    Do not use Ember.js if:

    Ember.js less suitable for creating small-scale simple projects such as UI displays or simple AJAX functions. It is also not recommended if you are a beginner considering the difficult structure of the code.

    Examples of Ember.js usage:

    Some examples of websites or mobile apps built with Ember.js include Apple Music, Yahoo!, Linkedin, and Tinder.

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