3 Key Learning First Time Leader (FTL)

3 Key Learning First Time Leader (FTL)

Have you ever felt that when we become "leaders", automatically the team that has been formed will give us trust?

For leaders, here is the information that has been us which may be suitable for you to look at because often the important things to prepare as FTL are sometimes not taught during school/college.

  1. What is first time leader ?

First time leader (FTL) is a term for individuals who were previously members or individual contributors who changed their role to become a leader.

  1. What do you have to bear as an FTL if you don't understand the importance of trust?

– High staff turnover 

– "Withheld" information 

– inaccurate decision-making 

– hampered team progress       

  1. How do leaders improve the situation?

Point 1 : Understand the level of trust (problem/current situation)

  • Level 1 ( Goovernance and Rule Based Trust)

This is the most basic level in the working relationship of the parties involved in "cooperation" because they are bound by existing office rules, laws, procedures or SOPs.

  • level 2  (experience and confidance based trust)

Now this is the middle level, the team began to openly tell the problems they faced, began to exchange ideas and collaborate with each other's trust

  • level 3  ( estabilished and vulnerability based trust )

This is the most ideal level, at this stage the member team does not only know what motivates each other. They even know what their personal goals and fears are.

Point 2 : Understand your ideal leader persona! (desired state)

  Did you know, according to research, 70% of leadership skills are learned and only 30% of the population is born with "leadership skills". 

Point 3 : Tap into your leadership role (activation)

A leader needs to have the courage to experiment with activities that can increase trust

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