3 Tips Efektif Work From Home untuk Kantor Anda

3 Effective Work From Home Tips for Your Office

The Work From Home (WFH) work program is currently on the rise. Although not all workers in Indonesia can do WFH because some of their work tasks are not possible to be done at home. The term working at home itself is actually not new to the Office of Neurons. This style of working at home or not waiting in line is made into a separate program at Neuron or called camp (Work at Home).

The camp itself had been launched long before the government emphasized workers to do WFH to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus. Camp Program in Neuron itself is intended with various conditions and can be referred to as a waiver for employees who have gone on an official trip on the previous day, pregnant women and as a gift for employees who get a monitor (full absence from entry, never late and job task update for 1 month). This aims to be a form of Neuron Management's support for employee performance. So working from home is not a strange thing for Neuron, especially for other digital industry colleagues or known as remote working.

In the past month, many employees and professionals have no other choice but to work from home. Although in general people doubt the effectiveness of work from home. In addition to efforts to help minimize the risk of transmission of the Corona virus, WFH can also at least ensure that business processes can run properly. Here are 3 things that need to be done by the office or company in implementing the work from home policy more effectively:

1. Create a Clear Work From Home Policy

Before the work from home policy is enforced for all your employees in the office, make sure that the human resource management has prepared a clear and detailed procedure. The procedure was created as a guideline for employees working from home and what they should do while working remotely. The content of the policy procedures that you need to create must include daily working hours, the mechanism for handing over tasks and updates, how the meeting will be conducted and others. A clear procedure will direct and motivate your employees to work from home while still being professional. So that every employee's performance can be monitored properly and you will feel calmer.

2. Take Advantage of Cloud-Based Human Resource Applications

Aplikasi HRMIS atau Human Resource Information System akan sangat memudahkan pekerjaan manajemen HR Anda dan setiap karyawan apalagi ketika bekerja secara remote atau berjauhan. Aplikasi ini mendukung seluruh kegiatan operasional, jadwal shift kerja, administrasi, laporan hingga payroll. Sistem HR berbasis Cloud seperti DOOR It facilitates your company to share internal information in real-time such as attendance and discharge, job task updates on the timeline, attendance reports, work reports, and leave applications to payroll calculations and payslips. Leaders from each department can delegate tasks to team members or simply send reminders and notes directly to them. This application system makes it very easy for you to monitor every progress of employee performance from anywhere.

Access to the system Aplikasi DOOR It can also be limited by the role configuration feature by setting which employee accounts can be used as admins or general users, or access to financial statements can only be recognized by the Finance Department. So that the security of your company's data will be maintained.

3. Find the Most Effective Method of Communicating

You should inform all employees about the communication methods that will be used every day during remote work before the work from home program is implemented. There are various messaging applications that you can choose from such as WhatsApp, Telegram and Line. Survey the advantages and disadvantages of each application and which function best suits your office needs.

Hal ini bertujuan untk memastikan produtivitas kinerja karyawan Anda tetap terkontrol dalam menyampaikan laporan harian mengenai apa saja yang akan mereka kerjakan atau sekedar menyampaikan kendala pekerjaan. Dari sini, Anda dapat mengetahui karyawan mana saja yang benar-benar bekerja dari rumah secara produktif dan mana yang tidak. Dengan begitu Anda dapat menganalisis seberapa efektif bekerja work from home bagi perusahaan Anda.

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