Tips Semangat Kerja Setelah Libur Panjang Lebaran

Tips for Work Spirit After the Eid Long Holiday

Unnoticed, long holidays Lebaran 2022 is over. The community also returned to their respective routines, including work. 

     The first day of work after a long holiday may feel tough for some people. Naturally, some workers are not enthusiastic on the first day of work after a long holiday. In fact, some people actually experience stress after a long holiday instead of their bodies and minds becoming refreshed. 

     Child and Family Psychologist, Samanta Elsener explained, stress after a long holiday is usually caused by dense activity during vacation time. As a result, the body and mind do not get enough rest. 

     "The lack of using vacation time to enjoy rest time due to the density of activity, the body does not get the rest time that is actually needed," he told, Sunday (8/5/2022).

     In addition, other post-holiday stress triggers are inflated holiday spending from budget allocations and the effects of the holiday paradox. 

     The holiday paradox is the feeling that the holidays feel like they're going faster, compared to when you're doing your routine at work or at school.  "Bills that swell beyond the total vacation budget are the effect of impulsive spending (unplanned spending) during the holidays," he added. 

     Here are some tips by Samanta to be enthusiastic about working after a long holiday, which are as follows: 

1. Provide breaks 

Samanta recommends that those who are on vacation provide rest time after the holidays and before going to work. At a minimum, the duration of the break time is a full day.  
    "Provide time for a complete rest before starting activities as usual. Don't be too busy with activities in a day because this time is for vacation. It means enjoying the holiday, enjoying the current conditions more," he explained. 

2. Self-motivation 

In order to return to the spirit of work, one needs to motivate oneself. Everyone certainly has different motivations, but in general, motivation in work is to earn an income. 

"Do self-talk to motivate yourself to go back to work," said Samanta. 

3. Establish communication with colleagues

Samanta also suggests starting to communicate with colleagues before the first day back in the office. The goal is for our minds (mindset) to slowly build vibes or the atmosphere of the world of work.  Because, during the holidays, of course, we do not intersect with work at all. So, our minds need to readjust slowly. "Start communicating again with colleagues before the first day of work with general discussions, there is no need to be related to work, such as greeting colleagues to get their work vibes again," he said. 

4. Work clothes that can raise the mood 

Although it sounds trivial, the choice of clothes on the first day of work after a long holiday can affect the mood.  
Therefore, Samanta advised workers to wear work clothes that can improve their mood. It doesn't need to be new, just the most comfortable or most liked work clothes. 

"Appearing in professional clothes that makes the mood rise for work," he said.  Prepare the outfit for the first day of work from the evening, so you don't rush the next day.   

5. Listen to songs

    Still trying to build a mood on the first day of work, try to listen to your favorite songs. You can listen while having breakfast, taking a shower, getting ready for work, during a commute, or before starting work in the office.  Samantara said that such a song can build a good mood to start working. 

6. Set work targets

   In order to get back to work after a long holiday, you need to set new goals that you want to achieve. The target seems to act as a map that will guide you in your work.

“Atur goals lagi dalam bekerja, apa yang ingin dicapai berikutnya,” ujarnya. Mengutip (7/5/2022), pekerja perlu mengidentifikasi tugas-tugas yang perlu diselesaikan. Lalu, urutkan tugas-tugas tersebut berdasarkan skala prioritas.  Jika perlu, buat daftar rencana pekerjaan agar langkahmu lebih tersusun dan terarah.

7. Change mindset

    Still from source (7/5/2022), workers must also change their mindset so that they can return to their work spirit. We need to realize that there is a limit to vacation time so we have to go back to routine. Try to be firm with yourself that going back to work is essential. This effort can make the mind more focused in carrying out the work routine.

8. Tidy up your desk

    The messy condition of the work desk can make work morale decrease. Therefore, if you haven't tidied up your desk before the long holiday, you should start by tidying it up.  See Photo Illustration of a messy desk. Set aside the first hour to tidy up your desk, prepare your work tools, and grab a snack or drink. 

9. Take breaks between work 

    It is best not to immediately force yourself to work full day when you start working after a long holiday. Set breaks between work on the first day.  Because, you still need adjustments to focus on work again. Forcing yourself to work non-stop will actually make you feel bored. Take a 5-10 minute break every three hours to refresh yourself. 

Here are some tips that we can share, if this information is useful don't forget to keep following us, untuk informasi menarik lainnya.

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