Ancaman Ransomware di Indonesia Tertinggi Di Dunia

The Highest Ransomware Threat in Indonesia in the World

The rapid digital growth is followed by a significant increase in cyber threats, one of which is the ransomware threat in Indonesia. According to the latest report National Cyber Security Index (NCSI) shows that Indonesia's cybersecurity is ranked 6th among other ASEAN countries and 83rd out of 160 countries globally. 

     One of the main reasons is the old network (legacy network) and network security infrastructure is no longer able to accommodate the way people work in today's modern landscape, including in preventing Highly Evasive Adaptive Threats (HEAT) which can result in ransomware. 

Highest in ASEAN 

Indonesia is in first place with 1.3 million cases. This was revealed in the ASEAN report Cyberthreat Assesment 2021 released by Interpol. 

This number is almost half of the total ransomware threat among ASEAN countries. Vietnam is second with 886,874 cases. 

So what are the impacts if you are hit by Ransomware, here are some of the impacts:

Sensitive Data Risks
Personal or confidential data can be leaked to the public, causing privacy violations.

Financial Losses
Victims often suffer large losses, both due to paying the ransom and the cost of restoring the system.

Operational Disruption
Companies or organizations can experience significant service disruptions, affecting productivity and reputation.

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