Apa Itu Agile & Mengapa Agile itu Penting?

What Is Agile & Why Is Agile Important?

Before getting to know more about Agile, we need to know beforehand what kind of world we live in today. We live in the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) era where changes both big and small are always happening quickly, unexpectedly, and influenced by many factors that are difficult to control.

In the face of VUCA challenges, the slow, structured traditional approach may not be effective enough. This is the reason why the Agile approach is becoming increasingly important.

Agile is an approach or methodology specifically designed to face the challenges of VUCA. It is a method used in various fields, especially in software development and project management, but it has also spread to various other sectors. Agile emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and responsiveness to change. Agile was developed as a more adaptive and effective alternative to the more structured traditional approach.

The concept of Agile was popularized through Manifesto for Agile Software Development which contains an invitation to fellow developers to use agile values in software development.

What is an Agile Manifesto?

The Agile Manifesto is a software development value (Software Development) created in 2001 by a group of leaders in the software industry. The background to the emergence of the Agile Manifesto is the frustration of software developers with the traditional method (Waterfall) due to its long process and changing client needs. The Manifesto for Agile Software Development is based on 12 principles, namely:

1. Satisfy the Customer?

This principle emphasizes the importance of prioritizing customer satisfaction by producing software that provides added value on a sustainable basis.

2. Deliver working software frequently.

This principle highlights the importance of delivering every improvement of the product regularly to get feedback from clients. Regular product releases also increase client trust in the developer team.

3. Welcome to Change

This principle recognizes that changes in customer needs are natural and need to be responded to quickly.

4. Work Together?

This principle emphasizes the importance of close collaboration between the customer and the development team to ensure a deep understanding of the customer's needs. Team alignment is key to achieving effective product development and faster problem discovery

5. Trust and Support 

This principle underscores the importance of motivated and confident teams and provides them with a supportive environment. Organizational support helps maximize team productivity? and help create innovations that can enable an effective and efficient development process

6. Face To Face Conversation

This principle reminds us that open and clear communication within the team is a key factor in the success of a project. Direct communication is an effective and efficient method of conveying information and developing software

7. Working Software ?

This principle emphasizes that producing software that works well is a key indicator of progress in an IT project

8. Sustainable Development 

The Agile process supports continuous development at a consistent pace of development. This principle reminds us to carry out stable and sustainable development, rather than fast but fragile. All stakeholders must have the same vision for the product goal?

9. Continuous Attention 

This principle highlights the importance of maintaining simplicity in the design and development process.

10. Self – Organizing Teams

This principle emphasizes that teams that have the ability to self-regulate can achieve better results.

11. Reflect And Adjust

This principle underlines the importance of periodic reflection to find opportunities for improvement. Committed to making improvements even though they are small things but continuously

12. Maintain Simplicity

Simplicity (maximizing the amount of work that hasn't been done) is crucial. Reduce wasteful things in the development of processes, events, meetings, documentation, etc.? and As much as possible do the easiest and simplest approach?

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