Apa itu Graphql?

What is Graphql?

Graphql. is an application server layer technology developed by Facebook to execute queries with existing data. Graphql can optimize quiet API calls. It provides a declarative way to retrieve and update your data. GraphQL helps you load data from the server to the client. This allows programmers to choose the type of request they want to make.

Features of Graphql.

Berikut adalah fitur penting dari Graphql:

  • This gives the language a declarative query, which is not important.
  • It's hierarchical and product-centric.
  • Graphql is highly typized. That means the query is executed in a specific system context.
  • Queries in GraphQL are encoded in the client, not in the server.
  • It has all the features of the application layer of the OSI model.

Disadvantages of Graphql.

Here are the disadvantages of GraphQL:

  • Young ecosystem
  • Lack of resources on the backend.
  • Missing design patterns for complex applications.
  • Performance issues with complex queries.
  • Overkill for small apps
  • Graphql does not depend on HTTP caching methods that allow storing the content of the request.
  • Graphql doesn't understand files. Hence, the file uploading feature is not included in it.
  • With Graphql, be prepared to have a lot of pre-development education such as learning schema definition languages.

Open-source applications and tools used by graphql

Important open source applications and tools used by graphql are as follows:

  • Gatsby. Gatsby is a GraphQL-powered application that can consume data originating from more than one GraphQL API source. You can use it to develop both static-based and client-based reaction applications.
  • Graphiql. It is an ID that integrates with the browser and also interacts with the Graphql API. Some of the functions that GraphiQL demonstrates are mutations, data requests, and autocompletes queries.
  • Graphql Playground. It is a powerful IDE that has a built-in editor to handle mutations, validation, graphql queries, subscriptions, etc. Developers can use this IDE to visualize the structure of the schema.
  • Prisma. Prisma is a database abstraction layer that transforms your database into a GraphQL API with CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations.
  • Sedikit It is an open-source tool and platform that turns reusable code into components. Developers can use it to share and develop various projects.

If you find this information useful, don't forget to stay tuned us to continue to update information about other technologies.

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