Apa itu Neuron Application Framework?

What is the Neuron Application Framework?

Neuron Application Framework or abbreviated as NAF is a platform based on a zend framework that is modular. Extensible uses addons and supports custom viewing through themes. The development of this framework is carried out in a modular and reusable manner so that modules developed by developers can be used in several projects. NAF was built and continues to be developed by RIDS (Research, Innovation, Development and Services) from February 2018 until now. NAF itself has a module that is basically a collection of Models, Views and Controllers with certain business structures and processes. And can be installed on NAF-based applications to enrich the features of the application. A module can have dependencies on other modules and have their own addons. Input and output standards in each controller developed by Neuronworks ensure uniformity of the model data structure, thereby speeding up developer uptime.

In order to standardize the working methods, RIDS held four batches of NAF training from January to February. This training was guided by the leader of RIDS, Hafiz Kharisma. Every time one NAF training session is held, participants are required to take a quiz as a condition for participating in the next training session. And the RIDS team always asks for feedback from the participants as analysis material to improve the features and capabilities of the Neuron Application Framework. There are attractive prizes for the 3 best training participants who answer the quiz with the highest score for the four training materials (Introduction, Module, Addon and Theme). The order of the best participants is based on the order of the highest score:

1st Mochamad Ramdhani Lukman

2nd Rijal Permana

3rd Nofryandi Achmad

The assessment results are calculated based on the participant's attendance (four times participating in the training), quiz work (filling in the four quizzes given) and quiz score (accumulation of the highest score). For those who have not gotten the best score, keep your spirit and keep fighting. With the Neuron Application Framework training organized by the RIDS Team and the assessment of quiz results. It is hoped that participants can continue to increase their motivation to learn and also increase motivation for the work performance of the members in the tim NeuronLets Play The Game!

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