Apa itu SSO (Single Sign On)?

What is SSO (Single Sign On)?

SSO is a mechanism that makes users only need to remember one authentic user name and password to open several services at once. SSO (Single Sign On) needs to be authenticated once, then authentication will occur automatically when the user opens another website through a session. (Priyo Puji Nugroho, 2012)


       In its development, there are several types of configurations that can be used, including:

  1.  SAML

            This SSO protocol is included as an open standard. It provides assertion-based authentication and authorization in XML form. This standard is most widely used by software-as-a-service applications, such as Salesforce, Github, Jira, ServiceNow, and Workday.

       2.  OpenID

            OpenID was introduced by the Open ID Foundation in 2006. Then in February 2014 they again introduced the third generation of Open ID called Open ID Connect (OIDC). This standard has been used by more than a billion accounts, the most famous of which are Google and Facebook.

       3.  Kerberos

            Kerberos is an authentication protocol developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Introduced in the 1980s, it was developed as a user authentication solution in a large and distributed network. He uses a secret thesis key with a complicated algorithm.

Sumber: https://www.softwareseni.co.id/blog/manfaat-sistem-login-single-sign-on


  • Users don't need to remember many passwords, just one account for multiple applications,
  • Speed up the login process, as there is no need to re-enter passwords for different applications while the login session is still active,
  • Makes administrative work easier, creating user accounts is enough once for some applications,
  • Centralized administration, the process of changing and updating users is easier because it is in one place.


  • If the SSO system is down, then all applications that use SSO cannot be used,
  • If the authentication information is leaked, it can be used in all related applications.

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