Basic LAMP Configuration

Basic LAMP Configuration

Basic LAMP Configuration is an acronym for Linux, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL operating systems relational database management system, and programming languages. It represents a concept in building web application infrastructure including:

Basic Concepts of Building Infrastructure

– Server Operating System,

– Web Server,

– Database,

– Web Programming Languages,

The four things above are the main requirements for running a web application.

Usually a Linux variant is used for its Server Operating System, then to Web Server for example, Nginx is used (read: enjinex). Perform the installation process as follows.

– Update OS : sudo apt-get update
– Install Nginx : sudo apt install nginx

To check if it has been successful or not, access the address Internet Protocol (IP) pada browser. http://alamat_ip_anda

Adapun command line untuk restart Nginx, lokasi log Nginx, dan show list dalam log sebagai berikut :

– sudo systemctl restart nginx
– cd /var/log/nginx
– sudo cat error.log

Sudo is a command command line which allows ordinary users to modify Linux Systems.

after having Web Server, the next thing to consider is databaseDatabase This is required as a data storage medium for applications running on Web Server. Some command line for installation and setup database MySQL (e.g. MySQL is used) is as follows:

command line for installation and setup database MySQL

– Install : sudo apt install mysql-server

– Setup : sudo mysql_secure_installation

– Remove : sudo apt-get remove mysql-server

– User Access : sudo mysql -u root -p

– Add authentication password : ALTER USER ‘root’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY ‘Password123@’;

– Apply change : FLUSH PRIVILEGES;

– Check authentication status : SELECT user, authentication_string,plugin,host FROM mysql.user;

– Keluar : Exit;

Web Programming Language plays the role of a dynamic content producer in a Web Server. For example, PHP is used as an application programming language on the server.

– Install : 

– Check version : php -v

In addition, in PHP it is also necessary to have some extension additions that support PHP functionality, including:


To try whether all systems have been successfully integrated and read well, you can create a PHP page containing the script "phpinfo();".

– Akses direktori root : cd /var/ww/html/ (misal yang digunakan adalah tersebut)

– Cek/Lihat direktori : ls

– Buat direktori baru : sudo mkdir project01 (misal nama direktori/folder adalah project01)

– Akses direktori : cd /var/ww/html/project01/

– Membuat halaman : sudo touch index.php

– Check long list format : ls -l

– Edit file content : sudo nano index.php

– Isi pada index.php : “phpinfo();”

Then save it and exit the editor. Access the file on browser sesuai dengan host/IP yang digunakan. Contoh http://server_ip/project01/index.php.

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