Solusi Perhitungan Pajak Lebih Mudah


Easier Tax Calculation Solution

As one of the obligations of a citizen, paying taxes is something that should not be missed. Tax payments made by individuals and groups in the form of companies, will later be used...

Solusi Rekruitasi Karyawan Anda


Your Employee Recruitment Solution

Recruitment is a series of processes for withdrawing a group of candidates based on the qualifications and criteria proposed by the company. This process is carried out in the hope of getting prospective employees who are competent in their fields. The recruitment stage of each ...

Optimalkan Ketersediaan Aplikasi LoadBalancer


Optimize LoadBalancer Application Availability

High Availability (HA) is key to keeping applications and databases available in the event of a system failure or load spike. For this reason, the use of Load Balancer (LB) Applications is critical in the architecture...

API Testing untuk Aplikasi


API Testing for Applications

In the software world, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) connect application components, ensuring smooth communication between parts. API Testing for Applications ensures APIs function optimally and are error-free. FIRE...
