Menulis Clean Code dengan React-JS


Writing Clean Code with React-JS

Writing clean code on React-JS is key to increasing development productivity as well as producing more powerful and reliable applications. In this article, we'll discuss best practices for writing code...

Laravel Best Practice Standard


Laravel Best Practice Standard

Laravel is a web application framework with expressive and elegant syntax. The web application framework provides the structure and starting point for creating your application, allowing you to focus on building something while thinking about the details. #1. The Single Responsibility Principle...

Cara terbaik untuk menguji fungsionalitas sistem


The best way to test system functionality

System Functionality Testing in software development is the backbone in ensuring the reliability, performance, and compliance of a system to user needs. In an effort to achieve these goals, there are several methods...

Jenis API Testing


Types of API Testing

The types of API Testing itself in the test generally have 9 types. Types of API Testing 1. Smoke Testing: Purpose: Validate whether the API works and doesn't cause issues after development is complete. When: Done after...

API : Pentingnya Pengujian dan Jenis-Jenisnya


APIs: The Importance of Testing and Its Types

In the world of software, the Application Programming Interface (API) is an important part that connects two software components to communicate with each other. Let's imagine API as a reliable server in a...

Implementasi Pre-Commit Git Hook untuk Memastikan Kode Tanpa Error


Git Hook Pre-Commit Implementation to Ensure Error-Free Code

Effective and quality Git Hook Pre-Commit implementation or Software development requires careful steps throughout the development cycle. One of the important aspects is to ensure that every commit that comes into the ...

Apa Itu Agile & Mengapa Agile itu Penting?


What Is Agile & Why Is Agile Important?

Before getting to know more about Agile, we need to know beforehand what kind of world we live in today. We live in the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) era where...

Meningkatkan Kualitas Kode dan Efisiensi Development dengan Git Hooks


Improve Code Quality and Development Efficiency with Git Hooks

Effective and efficient software development requires careful steps throughout the development cycle. One important aspect is ensuring that every commit that goes into the repository meets quality standards...

Memahami Scrum: Kerangka Kerja Agile


Understanding Scrum: An Agile Framework

Scrum is one of the Agile Frameworks that is dedicated specifically to dealing with complex problems. Scrum is a simple framework that helps teams and organizations generate added value through adaptive solutions...
