Software Development: Fondasi Kokoh untuk Pengembangan Software


Software Development: A Solid Foundation for Software Development

Software Development Principles are one of the "standard" principles that can be applied to the program code we create. If we apply the SOLID principle, then the code we create will be a lot more...

Mengapa Prinsip Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Penting


Why Software Engineering Principles Are Important

The principles of software engineering are important to consider in software development. By applying these principles, we can ensure that the software built meets the needs of users well, easily...

Principle of Software Engineering


Principle of Software Engineering

Software engineering or software engineering principles is a guideline used in making designs on software. These principles ensure that the resulting software is structured, easy to understand, and...

Konsep Element pada Beanstalkd


Element Concepts in Beanstalkd

What is Beanstalkd? Beanstalkd is a queue management system that, basically, bases its operations on a few core concepts that make it a very useful tool in app development. This system is very relevant...

Apa itu Beanstalkd?


What is Beanstalkd?

Beanstalkd is a work queue solution designed to manage workflows and tasks between parts and workers in application implementation. As a TCP protocol-based tool, it offers a simple approach...

Implementasi Sistem Antrian menggunakan Beanstalkd


Implementation of the Queue System using Beanstalkd

Implementing a queue system using Beanstalkd is one of the efficient ways to manage the tasks that need to be executed in an application or computer system. Beanstalkd is a software specifically designed for...

Apache Airflow untuk Proses Data yang Lebih Terstruktur


Apache Airflow for More Structured Data Processing

The following components of Airflow: Workloads A DAG executes a series of tasks, and there are three types of tasks in general: Control Flow DAGs are designed to run at any time, and can run in parallel....

Apache Airflow Untuk Automasi Proses Data Lebih Mudah


Apache Airflow for Easier Data Process Automation

Apache Airflow is a data flow orchestration and orchestration platform built using the Python programming language. It is designed to set up and execute complex workflows automatically. Apache...

Parts of a Microsoft Loop


Parts of a Microsoft Loop

1. Loop Workspace Workspace Microsoft Loop contains Loop components that can be worked together. We can create many Workspaces according to the group or area we need to work on. It's almost like...
