Essential Components of Loop in Teams


Essential Components of Loop in Teams

1. Loop components are built for collaboration When you send a Loop component, everyone in your chat can edit it inline—and see the changes in person. This means that you can collaborate directly within the chat message....

Microsoft Loop: Collaborative App | Micsoroft 365


Microsoft Loop: Collaborative App | Micsoroft 365

Yes, Microsoft Loop app is finally here in public review. Has anyone tried it? It's something interesting, Loop comes as a new Office-style application designed to resemble a document editor...

Hashicorp Vault Teknologi Penyimpanan Secret


Hashicorp Vault Secret Storage Technology

Currently, information security and sensitive data are a priority when developing applications. Especially in this case, the storage of secrets or important secrets such as database passwords, API keys, certificates, System...

Top Vulnerability Assesment Scanners Tools


Top Vulnerability Assesment Scanners Tools

A. Vulnerability Scanners Vulnerability scanners are scanners that can automate security audits and can play an important role in the security of users' IT by scanning users' networks and websites...

Enkripsi Database Mysql, Postgresql, dan Oracle


Enkripsi Database Mysql, Postgresql, dan Oracle

Data security is the most important thing in order to create a good system. Database encryption is the process of converting data in a database into a form that cannot be read by people who are ...

Security Awareness: Keamanan Informasi & C.I.A Triad


Security Awareness: Information Security & C.I.A Triad

In today's digital era, information security and personal data are very important. The more we rely on online technology and services, the greater our risk of being targeted by cyber attacks. Until...

Best Tools Software Performance Monitoring


Best Tools Software Performance Monitoring

In the modern world, Software Performance Monitoring management is mandatory to provide continuous productivity in the business environment, so this tool checks the status of all services and applications. If there are any problems or errors...

Tips Maintenance Website Yang Baik dan Benar


Tips for Good and Correct Website Maintenance

Web maintenance is an important step to ensure that a site functions properly according to the goals and needs of its owners and users. For this reason, proper website maintenance tips are needed so that the maintenance process...

Mengenal Teknologi Artificial Intelligence


Getting to Know Artificial Intelligence Technology

A. Definition of AI (Artificial Intelligence) Artificial intelligence (AI) is a simulation of the intelligence possessed by humans that is modeled in a machine and programmed to be able to think like humans. In words...
