Tips Meningkatkan Logika Pemrograman


Tips for Improving Programming Logic

Programming logic is the process of various possibilities that occur in our program and provides instructions to the computer to perform tasks according to the program. This is where the art of programming languages, namely programming logic, is the same...

Google meluncurkan Carbon, pengganti eksperimental untuk bahasa pemrograman C++


Google launches Carbon, an experimental replacement for the C++ programming language

Frustrated by C++'s slow evolution, Google's engineers launched a new "experimental" open source programming language that Carbon called a possible successor to outdated C++. Just like Microsoft created TypeScript...

Mengenal Cloud Computing: Pengertian, Tipe, dan Fungsinya


Getting to Know Cloud Computing: Definition, Types, and Functions

Simply put, cloud computing is a method of delivering various services over the internet. The resources in question are examples of applications such as data storage, servers, databases, networks, and software. Instead of saving...

CSS Framework


CSS Framework

CSS Framework can be interpreted as a framework that is commonly used by developers to facilitate the process of coding CSS on websites to be more structured and neat. In the article of this article,...

PHP Trait


PHP Trait

PHP Trait is a mechanism for reusing code on an inheritance. Traits are used to reduce the limitations of an inheritance by allowing developers to easily reuse a set of methods on multiple classes that have different hierarchies. Trait...

Basic LAMP Configuration


Basic LAMP Configuration

Basic LAMP Configuration is an acronym for Linux operating system, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL relational database management system, and programming language. It represents a concept in building a web application infrastructure including...

Training Programmer Intermediate


Training Programmer Intermediate

Intermediate Programmer Training is an important thing for business owners to pay attention to. Not only is it beneficial for the benefit of the employees themselves, but it also has benefits for the company itself. Here...

Trend Bahasa Pemrograman 2022 untuk Programmer


2022 Programming Language Trends for Programmers

There are several programming language trends that you can use for the coding process. Here are our recommendations for programming language trends in 2022 that programmers need to understand. 1. Python Python is one of the programming languages that...

Web Pencarian Data Sekolah dengan HTML, CSS & JS


Web School Data Search with HTML, CSS & JS

The government has decided to end the PSBB (Large-Scale Social Restrictions) period as soon as possible in several stages, even though the Covid-19 pandemic is still occurring. Because for 3 months the social restriction period has brought so...
