Tools Frontend & Server Monitoring Aplikasi


Frontend & Server Application Monitoring Tools

In the Training Assessment Programmer Intermediate session, there are several materials that help in terms of work and new knowledge in improving hard skills with Frontend & Server Monitoring Application Tools, especially for myself. That...

New Relic & Sentry: Monitoring Performa Sistem


New Relic & Sentry: System Performance Monitoring

At the time of the Intermediate Programmer Training, I just learned about this technology called New Relic. New Relic is an observability platform that helps you build better software. You can...

Apa itu Graphql?


What is Graphql?

Graphql. is an application server layer technology developed by Facebook to execute queries with existing data. Graphql can optimize quiet API calls. It provides a declarative way to take...

3 Key Learning First Time Leader (FTL)


3 Key Learning First Time Leader (FTL)

Have you ever felt that when we become "leaders", automatically the team that has been formed will give us trust? For leaders, here is the information that we have compiled that...

Reacibility Requirement Matrix


Reacibility Requirement Matrix

1. What is the Requirements traceability Matrix (RTM)? The Requirements traceability Matrix (RTM) is a document that shows the relationship between requirements and other artifacts. It is used to prove that the requirements have been met....

Tips Menghindari Praktik Phising


Tips for Avoiding Phishing Practices

Phishing is a cybercrime that aims to deceive and obtain important data such as passwords from an account by disguising it to look like a person from a trusted organization....

Ancaman Ransomware di Indonesia Tertinggi Di Dunia


The Highest Ransomware Threat in Indonesia in the World

The rapid digital growth is followed by a significant increase in cyber threats, one of which is the ransomware threat in Indonesia. According to the latest report of the National Cyber Security Index (NCSI), Indonesia's cybersecurity is in...

GraphQL vs REST API Apa Bedanya?


Here are some tips that we can share, if this information is useful don't forget to keep following

 API or Application Programming Interface is a protocol or technology used to handle a software interacting with each other. One example is to get data from a database. GraphQL API provides convenience in...

Tips Semangat Kerja Setelah Libur Panjang Lebaran


Tips for Work Spirit After the Eid Long Holiday

Unexpectedly, the 2022 Eid long holiday has ended. The community also returned to their respective routines, including work. The first day of work after a long holiday may feel overwhelming for some....
