ChatGPT & Programmer Akan Saling Membantu

ChatGPT & Programmers Will Help Each Other

Can ChatGPT create computer programs? Right! But making "big" programming, which is a computer system, still feels like it can't be done.

Challenges Faced

Why? Because it creates a computer system, the process is also long and complex. Meanwhile, if there are changes and you have to edit the program code, the effort required is doubled. Because the automatic program needs to be studied again.

Reading someone else's programming script is the same as reading the creator's mind. So it will be faster to create your own programming script and work with the script until it is finished. However, systems like ChatGPT will help, because there are many types of programming languages. Sometimes, a programmer is required to find a specific solution outside of the main programming language used.

Copied, studied, and then altered as needed. With ChatGPT, of course, solutions can be obtained faster. The programmer just needs to copy and paste. Not just any copy paste, but it takes special skills as a programmer to know how and where the copy paste goes.

If the idea has been formed, ChatGPT can help with the solution. In other words, an analyst will think about a solution, while a programmer creates a programming script on order. In addition, novice programmers will also be helped by ChatGPT. With ChatGPT, a programmer should be able to increase his "career" faster. It is no longer just about making programming scripts according to orders, but also taking the initiative to analyze, what will be needed and what the program flow should be like to create a reliable and according to the needs. Getting to Know SAOT Technology at the 2022 World Cup

Job demands have indeed become higher with technological advances, so become experts regardless of the field of work. A reliable programmer will actually be able to help develop ChatGPT for the better. 

Thus, how to monitor and check periodically from good and correct website maintenance tips. If this information is useful, don't forget to keep up with it us for the latest information updates about other technologies. Neuronworks, Make it Easy

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