CSS Framework

CSS Framework

CSS Framework It can be interpreted as a framework that is commonly used by developers to facilitate the CSS coding process on websites to make them more structured and neat. In the article of this article, us will explain the advantages of CSS Freamework.

Advantages of using CSS Framework

  • Developers and designers can use the CSS Framework to implement a variety of general features such as forms, buttons, navigation, breadcrumbs, and even a neat system grid.
  • The CSS Framework makes it easy to create websites that are compatible with multiple browsers and browser versions. This reduces the likelihood of bugs appearing during cross-browser testing.
  • Because this framework has stylesheets ready-to-use, using it allows for faster and more convenient web development. So developers don't need to create styles from scratch and can focus on UI/UX design.
  • Developers can quickly produce user-friendly and visually appealing UIs that can be modified throughout the project without starting from scratch.

CSS Framework terpopuler

  1. Bootstrap

Developed by Jacob Thornton and Mark Otto on Twitter. Bootstrap is an open source framework that contains CSS and JavaScript-based templates for interface components.

Bootstrap is known to popularize the focus on responsive design among web developers. It promotes the now ubiquitous mobile-first concept and provides the right tools for its easy implementation.

              Advantages of Bootstrap

  • With a large ecosystem, boostrap offers layouts, themes, UI elements, panels, modals, buttons, alerts, cards, and more. In addition, Bootstrap is backed by the best community support in the industry.
  • Faster prototyping, designers only need to create HTML code, enter the necessary classes and be responsive immediately, no need to spend time adjusting browser compatibility, CSS positions and the like.
  • Disupport Twitter
  • Support SASS dan LESS
  1. Tailwind CSS

One of the most popular utility CSS libraries ever, Tailwind CSS offers significant benefits for web design. Interestingly, Adam Wathan (creator of Tailwind) needs to convince the world why utility-based CSS beats semantic CSS. Eventually, however, enough developers trusted him enough to start using Tailwind, and now Tailwind is used quite often.

              Pros of Tailwind CSS

  • Highly flexible and customizable
  • Presents a very commonly used utilitybased class
  • PurgeCSS Optimization, PurgeCSS reduces file size by scanning HTML code and eliminating unused classes. Optimizing through PurgeCSS reduces and cleans up CSS file size, making it much easier to manage, especially before deployment.
  • Easy to implement responsive design.

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