Maintance Support Operation

Operational Maintenance Support for Optimal IT Performance 

Comprehensive system maintenance support solutions are designed to maintain the stability, performance, and reliability of your IT systems on an ongoing basis, minimizing the risk of downtime and ensuring optimal operational efficiency.

Overcome your IT challenges with the experts at Neuron

We have provided solutions from upstream to downstream that can assist companies in facing rapidly evolving and dynamic business challenges.

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Blue print

In the IT world, "blueprint" refers to the detailed planning of the architecture of a system, application, or network. As in construction, blueprints in IT are used to design technology solutions with a clear and directed structure, ensuring efficiency in development and implementation.



Dulu pengembangan software itu penuh dengan langkah lambat, penuh proses manual. Lalu muncul Continuous Integration (CI), solusi cerdas untuk mengintegrasikan kode lebih cepat dan sering. Seiring berkembangnya teknologi, Continuous Delivery/Deployment (CD) hadir, membuat kode langsung otomatis di-deploy setelah lolos uji, tanpa menunggu lama. 


Blue print

In the IT world, "blueprint" refers to the detailed planning of the architecture of a system, application, or network. As in construction, blueprints in IT are used to design technology solutions with a clear and directed structure, ensuring efficiency in development and implementation.



Dulu pengembangan software itu penuh dengan langkah lambat, penuh proses manual. Lalu muncul Continuous Integration (CI), solusi cerdas untuk mengintegrasikan kode lebih cepat dan sering. Seiring berkembangnya teknologi, Continuous Delivery/Deployment (CD) hadir, membuat kode langsung otomatis di-deploy setelah lolos uji, tanpa menunggu lama. 


Optimal System Performance

Our regular maintenance services ensure your IT systems keep operating at peak performance, reduce disruptions, and maintain business productivity.

Downtime Prevention

With a proactive maintenance approach, we identify potential problems early, reducing the risk of downtime that can be detrimental to your business operations. 

Data Security and Stability

Regular maintenance helps keep data secure and protects systems from cyber threats, ensuring the reliability and continuity of your business operations. 

Technologies we use

We carefully select tools and frameworks. We believe that using the right tools will result in more optimal and successful software products.


Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite, Access, PostgreSQL, Pentaho 

Trusted by more than +250,000 businesses across various industries

How do our methods work?

We have provided solutions from upstream to downstream that can assist companies in facing rapidly evolving and dynamic business challenges.

Strategi Pemeliharaan Sistem untuk Kinerja Optimal dan Keamanan Terjamin

Perencanaan pemeliharaan yang terstruktur dan pemantauan rutin sangat penting untuk memastikan kinerja dan keamanan sistem tetap optimal. Melalui pemeliharaan terjadwal, seperti memantau parameter utama, menginstal patch keamanan, serta mengoptimalkan kinerja server dengan pembersihan file dan defragmentasi, sistem dapat berjalan lancar tanpa gangguan. Backup data rutin, uji coba pemulihan, dan perencanaan pemulihan bencana juga perlu dilakukan untuk melindungi data dan mengurangi risiko kehilangan informasi. Pengujian kinerja, audit keamanan, serta evaluasi komponen perangkat keras secara berkala memastikan sistem selalu siap menghadapi tantangan. Dokumentasi yang baik dan evaluasi berkala dengan tim akan membantu memperbaiki kelemahan dan meningkatkan efektivitas pemeliharaan, menjaga sistem tetap stabil dan efisien untuk mendukung operasional bisnis.

Find the right IT solution for your business with Neuron Consultation

Neuron provides customized IT consulting services to meet your business needs. We evaluate project costs based on your specific requirements, ensuring that the solutions provided are truly accurate. 

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The consultation fees for IT generally range from Rp 2.5 million to Rp 5 million, depending on the complexity level of the project. For businesses requiring more comprehensive consulting services, the initial investment can start from Rp 10 million for more advanced solutions.

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The consultation fees for IT generally range from Rp 2.5 million to Rp 5 million, depending on the complexity level of the project. For businesses requiring more comprehensive consulting services, the initial investment can start from Rp 10 million for more advanced solutions.

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PT Neuronworks Indonesia is an IT consulting company that provides complete information technology solutions, ranging from web and mobile application development to system integration and business intelligence.

We have provided solutions from upstream to downstream that can assist companies in facing rapidly evolving and dynamic business challenges. 
- Customer Relationship Management 
- Business Intelligent 
- System Integrator 
- Workflow Manegement System 
- Web Development  
- Mobile Development  

PT Neuronworks Indonesia collaborates with various companies from different industrial sectors, both private and government, to assist them in achieving effective digital transformation.

You can contact PT Neuronworks through our official website, email, or through the social media channels available on our contact us portal for consultation or scheduling a meeting.

Yes, PT Neuronworks provides internship opportunities as well as career positions for individuals interested in contributing to the field of information technology and software development. 

Yes, PT Neuronworks has subsidiaries that operate in the field of outsourcing and travel, ticketing, and air traffic control. This subsidiary provides business operational support services and travel ticket management, event organization, etc., which help client companies run their activities more efficiently and easily.

Need help with your business needs?

Contact and schedule a meeting with our professional team who is ready to provide the best service, from consultation to implementation, to ensure that every aspect of your business development aligns with industry standards and your company's specific needs.

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