HR and the New Normal Work System
It does not feel like it has been going on for more than three months of the PSSB (Large-Scale Social Restrictions) Program in Indonesia due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. The community certainly hopes that the pandemic disaster will pass quickly. This pandemic has changed our behavior in carrying out daily activities ranging from protocols to leaving the house, working from home, maintaining cleanliness to maintaining distance from others. This has an impact on the economy at large. So that conditions that have not fully recovered are still required to undergo new normal activities by carrying out health protocols in a disciplined manner.
Almost all business sectors are starting to run slowly in the new normal era like today by setting strict shift system regulations, physical distancing and health protocols in business or office premises. This is of course done to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. Based on the history that has happened and policies from the government, companies and HR teams must be quick to carry out special strategies to be able to be adaptive in facing challenges and changes in the business environment. What are the new protocols that companies and HR teams can implement in facing the New Normal after the Covid-19 pandemic?
1. Switch Using Technology Systems
It is undeniable that technology is something that cannot be separated from people's daily lives. HR teams and companies must adapt quickly using new collaborative tools in an efficient way. Companies must create digital systems for internal organizations and customers by ensuring their own IT infrastructure is robust enough to be relied on.
Digital transformation must serve the needs of employees and customers, for example improving data-driven decision-making and data availability, absen online, payroll application system, distance training, and increased purchase of equipment through e-commerce. This digitalization activity is carried out so that it can be operated and monitored by the company secara realtime dan optimal even over long distances.
2. Ensuring Employee Health
Many employees complain about wanting to return to work in the office, but many are also worried about being able to do so safely in the new normal era. Companies must be able to trust their employees about safety and health protocols in the office after the work from home program during the PSBB yesterday.
HR managers need to ensure employee safety in the workplace through increased employee health tests, body temperature checks before work starts, redesign workspaces, provide good sanitation, provide hand sanitizers in each space and more. Companies can also reassure employees by emphasizing their concern for well-being.
3. Hold Online Training
There are various ways in the company to find ways to optimize employee skills by conducting training and certification. This will create new talents and skills that will be very useful in the company's business processes. This method can also help improve management performance and make each member experience the process of self-development and career.
However, because it is not possible to interact in person, training can be done online remotely. Remote training can use software that connects employees with each other with training providers. The New Normal also encourages new ways to learn online. Research and Markets (2018) has estimated that the demand for the e-learning market will triple by 2025 to reach $325 million or approximately 4 trillion rupiah if converted to rupiah.
4. Shift System or Alternating Office Entry
Various companies are considering in detail how to adjust their business in the midst of pandemic conditions. One of the most important and effective things that can be done is the hybrid model, where some employees will work in the office with a percentage of 50% and the rest will work from home according to the applicable shift. This method is the company's way of reducing the risk of contracting covid-19 in the workplace.
5. Support Each Other Even Remotely
When the plan to go to work is as usual in the new normal era, company management must know the health condition of its employees very well. Concern for older or immunocompromised family members should also be considered. If team members are working more productively and efficiently from home, it may be time to make online communication or remote attendance monitoring a consideration in how the future of work is done.
Challenges faced perusahaan with the HR team is not easy in pandemic conditions. However, this can be overcome together, if the company can synergize cooperatively and disciplined with the HR team and all employees in going through the difficult phase that occurs. So, the strong will of employees also plays a very important role in the company's success in facing the work environment during the New Normal period after the Covid-19 pandemic.