Kerja di Cafe (KeCe)

Work in Cafe (KeCe)

Proper employee management will not only provide benefits for the company. But it will also give encouragement to the employees concerned in improving their performance to be even better. That way, the company's productivity will also increase. But in reality, the enthusiasm of the employees will experience ups and downs. Every employee will experience a decrease in performance at some point.

In order to realize the goal of increasing employee morale, HCM Management Neuronworks have program KeCe atau Kerja di Cafe for the entire division. KeCe is a work program that is carried out every three months in one year. Each division works outside the office or in a café with all its team members with a budget allocation per person. This method is not only to improve employee performance, but also to align the company's goals with employees, increase teamwork and get to know fellow colleagues better.

Because in a company or organization, there is absolutely a need for a common perception of what and how the system will be run. To achieve these similarities, a KeCe Kerja program was held at the Cafe. The more aligned the perception held by the company's leaders and employees under them regarding the system, the more positive the impact will be on the progress and final results of its implementation.

In addition to paying attention to how to improve employee performance, HCM management is good so that existing employees feel comfortable while working. The company's HCM management includes employee attendance management, leave application process, claim submission or reimbursement, payroll and many more. All of these tasks can be completed easily by using HR software. You can entrust it to DOOR which can be accessed anytime and anywhere more easily and practically.

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