Laravel Best Practice Standard
Laravel is web application framework dengan syntax which is expressive and elegant. web application framework provides a structure and starting point for creating your app, allowing you to focus on building something while thinking about the details.
#1. Prinsip Single Responsibility
Classes and methods should have only one responsibility.
#2. Fat Models, Skinny Controller
Insert all DB-related logic into the model eloquent atau ke dalam kelas repositori jika anda menggunakan Query Builder.
#3. Validation
Move validation from Controller ke Class Request.
#4. Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY)
When programming, Avoid duplicating code as much as possible. The Single Responsibility principle helps you avoid duplication by ensuring each piece of code has a single responsibility. Moreover Take advantage of features such as reuse of blade templates, use of scopes on Eloquent, and more to maximize efficiency and consistency in your app development.
#5. Use Eloquent, instead of Query Builder / Raw Query
Eloquent Allows you to write readable code and maintainable. Dan, Eloquent have built-in tools yang bagus seperti soft deletes, events, scopes, dll.
#6. Mass Assignment
Sending an array to model creation, is essentially setting multiple fields on the model at once, rather than one at a time.
#7. Follow the Laravel Naming Convention
follow Prinsip single responsibility and follow the naming conventions accepted by the Laravel community.
#8. Use Middleware instead of Repeating Code
Middleware in Laravel allows you to filter or change Request saat ini. Berikut beberapa kasus penggunaan:
- Check the required permissions
- Check the user's language and change the locale
And as you'd expect, Laravel comes with a bunch of ready-to-use middleware for authentication, speed limiting, and more.
Once your middleware is doing what it's supposed to do, you can block it Request tersebut atau membiarkannya lewat.
Middleware can be attached to any number of routes, which helps you prevent code duplication.