NestJS Menjadi Framework terbaik di NodeJS Untuk Microservices ?

NestJS Becomes the Best Framework in NodeJS for Microservices?

Javascript is one of the popular programming languages, therefore various projects choose Node.js as the backend, but which node.js framework is useful for microservices?, in this article us will explain about NestJS.

1. Popularity of the NestJs Framework

 As you can see, Express is more popular (8K stars more than Nest), but Express is much older than Nest.Other frameworks have less than 30K stars.

2. Easier to understand the code

If the code doesn't have documentation, you can understand the code more easily. Because Nest specifies what controllers should do, and what should be done in the service, every Nest developer knows these rules and writes clean code.

3. Built with TypeScript

In a Microservices project, there are several microservices that must have the same output model or the same response mode, with TypeScript, you avoid a lot of mistakes.

4. Integrity in handling errors

Nest comes with a built-in exceptions layer that is responsible for processing all unhandled exceptions across the application. When an exception is not handled by your application code, it is caught by this layer, which then automatically sends an appropriate user-friendly response.

5. Easier data management between services

Nest natively supports arsitektur microservice , so that the implementation of communication between services is easy with every method (Kafka, RabitMQ, MQTT, GRPC, Redis, NATS) that you want.

6. Automated Tests

Automation makes it easy to quickly and easily repeat individual tests or test sets during development. This helps ensure that releases meet quality and performance goals.

in the above discussion the NestJs Framework as a backend framework if the project service is Node.js. If you found this helpful, keep following us for updates on other interesting technologies.

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