Mengenal Bahsa Pemprograman Psycript

Getting to Know Psycript Programming

PyScript is a breakthrough that allows Python scripts to be run directly in the browser. The technology combines Python syntax with standard HTML elements, thus providing flexibility in web-based application development. With PyScript, developers can create interactive applications without the need to use JavaScript as the primary language.

This technology leverages WebAssembly (wasm) and Pyodide to run Python in the browser. WebAssembly (wasm) is an innovative technology that allows the use of low-level languages, such as C or C++, in a browser environment. This provides high performance and access to features that were previously only available on the desktop app.

Pyodide, di sisi lain, menyediakan interpreter Python lengkap yang dapat dijalankan sepenuhnya di browser. Dengan Pyodide, pengembang memiliki akses ke ekosistem Python, termasuk pustaka-pustaka standar dan bahkan library populer seperti NumPy, Pandas, atau Matplotlib.

The combination of PyScript, WebAssembly, and Pyodide opens up great opportunities for developing more sophisticated web applications. Users can leverage the power of Python for data analysis, numerical processing, or even machine learning development, all within a browser environment with no additional installation. With this ease of integration, PyScript brings Python closer to the modern world of web development.

How to Write PyScript?

     Writing this script is the same as writing JavaScript in Html. Print is a command to print the writing "pyscript writing example" just like system.out.print, echo and others.

What are the advantages of using PyScript?

  1. Increase productivity
  2. Extensive library
  3. IoT Support
  4. Embeddable


  1. Slow execution process
    Python is a language that works using compilers. So when the program is run, Python will run slower compared to other languages.
  2. Inadequate on mobile computing
    Python is more suitable for desktop and server but weak for mobile computing. Using Pyhthon is not suitable for mobile phone or game development.
  3. Error during Run Time
    Python is typed dynamically so you don't have to declare variable types during the coding process. This is indeed easier for programmers but can increase the occurrence of errors during the run-time process.

If you find this information useful, don't forget to stay tuned us to update information about other technologies. Neuronworks, Make it Easy.

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