Mengenal Cloud Computing: Pengertian, Tipe, dan Fungsinya

Getting to Know Cloud Computing: Definition, Types, and Functions

Simple cloud computing (cloud computing) is a method of delivering various services over the internet. The resources in question are examples of applications such as data storage, servers, databases, networks, and software.

Instead of storing a lot of files on a hard drive or local storage on a computer or mobile phone, cloud-based storage allows you to store files for as long as you have access to the internet.

Advantages of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a popular option because it has many advantages, such as cost savings, increased productivity, speed, efficiency, performance, and security. Therefore, it is not surprising that many companies or people use the cloud to store data.

It is called cloud computing because information is accessed remotely in the "cloud" or virtual room. Companies that provide cloud services, allow their users to store files and applications from remote servers. They can also access it as long as there is an internet connection. This means that a user does not need to be in a specific place to get access to his files.

This method can be public or private. Public cloud provides its services publicly on the internet. Meanwhile, on the other hand, private clouds only provide their services to certain people. There is also a hybrid option, which combines both public and private clouds.

Examples of using cloud computing
Apart from its various services, cloud computing provides its users with a series of functions, such as:

  • Email, e.g. Zimbra Mail service
  • Storage, backup, data retrieval
  • Create and test apps
  • Analyze data
  • Stream audio and video

Cloud computing is a relatively new service, but it is already used by a variety of companies ranging from small to large corporations, government companies or ministries, and even individual users.

Not only that, cloud computing also has services such as language processing, artificial intelligence, and standard programs at work. Anyway, services that don't require you to physically be in front of hardware like computers and laptops.  

Types of cloud computing based on their services

  1. Software-as-a-service (SaaS) involves licensing a software application to its users. These licenses are usually granted through the pay-as-you-go or on-demand method. This type can be found in Microsoft Office's 365
  2. Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) involves a method of delivering a file from the operating system to a server and storage, over IP-based connectivity as part of an on-demand service. Clients don't need to buy software or servers. Popular examples of this type are the Public Cloud from Indonesian Cloud and Microsoft Azure.
  3. Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) is touted as the most complex. PaaS is almost similar to SaaS, but the biggest difference is that, instead of sending software online, PaaS is actually a platform for creating software that is delivered over the internet. Examples of PaaS are and Heroku.

That's all for the discussion in this article, if information like this is useful, don't forget to keep following us to get updated information about the world of technology and other interesting things.

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