Mengenal Teknologi Artificial Intelligence

Getting to Know Artificial Intelligence Technology

A. Definition of AI (Artificial Intelligence)

     Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a simulation of the intelligence possessed by humans that is modeled in machines and programmed to be able to think like humans. In other words, AI is a computer system that can do jobs that generally require human labor or human intelligence to complete the work.

B. How AI works

     Artificial intelligence machines will analyze large amounts of data (big data). The data processing will be carried out at one time, quickly and repeatedly. This machine can also learn data patterns and features automatically because of the intelligence algorithm. In principle, the way AI works is by carrying out tasks such as: data analysis, data processing, and studying patterns and features of a data.

C. Benefits of AI for humans

     1. Can Save Time
     2. Increase Productivity
     3. Minimizing Human Error
     4. Improving Human Living Standards
     5. Helping with daily activitiesD. Examples of AI Applications in Daily Life

1. Social Media

    Artificial intelligence on social media plays a role in personalizing user feeds, such as providing friend suggestions, identifying and filtering fake news, and preventing cyberbullying.

2. Virtual Assistant

    The virtual assistant is in charge of helping you find information through your voice. It's like a boss asking for his assistant through a direct conversation.

3. Online Shopping Apps

    An example of how this AI works is collecting data on products that are widely sought after by customers. Then the data serves to predict purchases to create a customer-centric experience.

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