Employee Monitoring: 6 Tips to Make It Easier
Every world of work must have every different field of work. Although it is one roof, this field of work is differentiated and made into small teams in groups with the aim that employees can work optimally. However, there are obstacles that are often faced in teamwork, especially ego problems that sometimes clash and cause differences of understanding in policy-making or decisions.
For this reason, it is needed monitoring from superiors and HRD so that the work of each team continues to run in the right corridor and provides maximum results as expected. Differences in character that affect the different performance patterns of each worker will also affect the level of progress and success of the company. Therefore, monitoring needs to be carried out by HRD as someone who protects all company employees. Here are tips for monitoring teamwork so that work results are maximized.
1. Every Team Member Must Be Evaluated
Monitoring more than 1 person is not easy. Especially if you as an HRD supervise many employees of the company. But in this case, as a professional HRD, you still have to be firm and authoritative to every employee without exception. This is intended so that they can carry out their obligations as employees in a maximum and orderly manner. But that doesn't mean you do it by creating a tense situation and even making employees uncomfortable with HRD's arrogant attitude.
2. Conduct Periodic and Scheduled Evaluations
Conduct a review or evaluation of the performance results of employees together with their respective teams on a regular basis. We recommend that you use a time schedule based on agreed deadlines. This will be very good because employees will feel that you as an HR officer are doing good assistance and providing the necessary direction. It's a good idea to take note of the evaluation schedule of each team so you don't miss it. Thus, everyone will feel that you are paying attention to the results of their performance. This process will be part of increasing the respect of the company team members towards you as their HR who protects all employees.
3. Ask for Personal Problems
In an evaluation, of course, there will be a report of the results of the performance carried out, whether it is a success or failure. Ask employees about the difficulties they are experiencing in working personally. Give them space to give you various inputs to evaluate whether each employee's workload is appropriate or not. It is possible that there are employees who have a workload that is too light or "jomplang" with other employees in the same team. The uneven division of tasks can also be seen through this stage of personal monitoring.
4. Conduct an Evaluation in a Meeting
Meetings with work evaluation discussions also need to be held so that employees in one team brainstorm each other for each of their ideas that can be discussed in a forum. They can give each other input to each other member. Provide opportunities for them to also convey the results of their performance and the results of the achievements they have made. Appreciate each of their achievements and make a statement that every achievement obtained is a team or joint achievement.
5. Pour the Evaluation Results in the Form of a Hard Copy File
Each evaluation of all employees must be recorded along with the progress and results of the evaluation recorded in the form of a hard copy. Each employee gets the results of the report and is also reminded for the next stage of evaluation. The evaluation record can also be the result of progress from the analysis of the performance of the employee in a team or individual. The results of this progress can be used as a consideration and decision-making material for the career path of the employee concerned.
6. Create Relaxed But Serious Evaluation Moments
Not all HRDs have soft skills like this. As someone who supports the work of employees in conducting evaluations, it is not a place for judgment or debate. An evaluation meeting is not a moment, where you are looking for obstacles in the employees and asking them to work more professionally. Try to create a relaxed but still serious atmosphere. You can hold an evaluation meeting outside the office building, such as in a café. This will make the atmosphere more relaxed, less stressful for the employees, besides that, communication can also be established better. Give constructive praise and positive words to the company's employees so that they continue to be motivated in improving their performance.
The complex employee monitoring process can be helped effectively and efficiently with the Human Resource Information System from DOOR HRMIS. With the Task To Do feature that provides a timeline of employee work activities, it can support employees to be more disciplined at work. Realtime Absence of employees every day that is automatically integrated from the finger-print machine to the company's web application. So, monitoring employee activities every day is easier to do and montly reports from DOOR help HRD and leaders in conducting evaluations.
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