Neuron Techno Day 2024 | Corporate Security Strategies
PT Neuronworks Indonesia kembali menyelenggarakan event tahunan Neuron Techno Day dengan tema “Strategies for Implementing Comprehensive Security in Corporate Environments” pada hari Rabu, 08 Mei 2024. Event was held at El Cavana Hotel Bandung. West Java and attended by 130 employees of PT Neuronworks Indonesia with two speakers, namely Mr. Girindro Pringgo Digdo, M.T., OXCP, CSXF and Mr. Wita Laksono.
Neuron Techno Day 2024 | Corporate Security Strategies
Neuron Techno Day 2024 is packaged in a talk show format and interactive discussion, which discusses the importance of security and how to implement it effectively in the corporate environment. In addition, this event is expected to increase the awareness and knowledge of PT Neuronworks Indonesia employees about the comprehensive security strategy. Thus, this event also aims to help them in building a solid and integrated security system.
The series of events on this #NeuTechDay2024 began with an opening and remarks by Mr. Director Sriyanto. In his remarks, the Director said "that the theme of 'Security' carried out in this #NeuTechDay2024 is expected to add comprehensive insight in building a solid and integrated security strategy, by utilizing Security SDLC, Network Security, and Security Policy."
The first session was guided by Moderator Kang Dimas, presenting Mr. Girindro Pringgo Digdo, M.T., OXCP, CSXF who discussed the Secure SDLC Overview and Mr. Wita Laksono who presented material on the implementation of comprehensive security in the corporate environment.
The main points of the material presented are:
- a comprehensive security plan is an essential investment for companies seeking to safeguard their assets, protect their employees, and maintain their business operations in the face of evolving security threats. It underscores the importance of proactive measures, effective security strategies, and a robust security framework in achieving these objectives.
- Implementing the three aspects of Information Security: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability, is an important investment for companies. These three aspects ensure that information is protected from unauthorized access, maintained in accuracy, and always available when needed. By implementing it continuously, companies can minimize the impact of data leaks, wrong business decisions, and disruption of company operations.
Before the isoma and the second session, the MC invited the participants to do ice-breaking. Participants and presenters in groups played games that could refresh their enthusiasm and enthusiasm.
In the second session, participants actively discussed with the presenters, asked questions, and carried out practices, such as finding errors in code, bugs, and security loopholes in database queries. In addition, the speaker also shared tips and tricks for comprehensive security implementation in the project.
At the end of the event, a documentation session was held for all participants and presenters. Overall, Neuron Techno Day 2024 #NeuTechDay2024 has been successfully held. Comprehensive knowledge and insight have been described by expert speakers during the activity,
"Thank you for the participation and enthusiasm of all parties in Neuron Techno Day 2024 #NeuTechDay2024. Hopefully the knowledge and knowledge obtained can be implemented optimally to improve security in their respective jobs."
Consult your needs now together us and realize a safer and more reliable business with Neuronworks Indonesia! 🚀
See you at the next Neuron Techno Day!