New Relic & Sentry: Monitoring Performa Sistem

New Relic & Sentry: System Performance Monitoring

During Training Programmer My intermediate is just getting to know this technology called New Relic. New Relic is an observability platform that helps you build better software. You can enter data from any digital source so that you can fully understand your system and how to improve it. Using New Relic & Sentry kita can find out and detect errors that occur in the system that is being developed. New Relic will send you a notification via the e-mail we registered with New Relic if there is an error in the system.

In addition to New Relic, I also learned about Sentry, an error reporting platform that is very useful for app management. Sentry provides the ability to monitor applications in real-time, especially after deployment in production. This platform not only provides notifications about exceptions or errors experienced by users, but also provides complete details that make it easy to reproduce and correct the errors. This information is organized in a structured manner on an intuitive web dashboard, allowing development teams to quickly identify issues, understand the cause, and take effective corrective steps to improve quality and user experience.
    With performance monitoring, Sentry tracks application performance, measures metrics such as throughput and latency, and displays the impact of errors across multiple services. Sentries perform distributed traces consisting of transactions and time periods to measure individual services and operations within those services.

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