Seperti Apa Kolaborasi yang Sukses Itu?

What Does a Successful Collaboration Look Like?

Kolaborasi The team is very important in software (Product) development. This helps reduce misconceptions about the scope of the project and saves resources.

What is the impact if the collaboration does not go well? Lack of collaboration can lead to serious consequences and the product can end in failure. For this reason, in this article, us will provide some explanations about successful collaborations

Open Communication

A collaborative team is a team where teammates are open to each other. Everyone in the team is welcome to ask questions and offer ideas. Working in an open-plan office can break down communication barriers, creating an environment where everyone is encouraged to share ideas and experiences, discuss important product items, and communicate with others on the team.

Positive attitude

A positive attitude in the workplace is a sign of effective collaboration and successful software development project management. A Happy Team is a more productive team. Project managers can form a positive work environment through;

  • Small information discussion at the beginning of the meeting to check the team's performance
  • Celebrating achievements by spending time together
  • Send a thank you message to a team or individual team member in a chat room
  • Provide feedback without criticism
Kepemimpinan yang cerdas

Tim kolaboratif adalah tim dimana setiap rekan satu tim menyadari kontribusi mereka terhadap project, apa yang menjadi tanggung jawab mereka, dan apa yang diharapkan untuk mereka lakukan. Project manager menentukan peran dan mendistribusikan tugas.

Kepemimpinan manajemen yang cerdas dan positif sangat penting, membantu menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang harmonis dan mengoptimalkan tim untuk produktivitas maksimum.

A compact team

When working with a team of software engineers, UI/UX Designers, project managers and quality assurance specialists, there is no need to find different freelancers to build software solutions. Under the supervision of the project manager, the development team operates as a single mechanism. Time spent on the project is tracked and all new functions are tested against the project standards.


Having a diverse team in a project from different ethnicities, genders, and ages as well as a diversity of expertise gives the opportunity to generate unique ideas as well as being able to tackle problems from multiple perspectives. 

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