Siap Bekerja dengan Starter Kit New Normal

Ready to Work with the New Normal Starter Kit

The government has decided to end the term PSBB (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar) as soon as possible with several stages, even though the Covid-19 pandemic is still occurring. Because for 3 months the social restriction period has brought so many victims of the coronavirus. Not only victims because of their illness but also victims of layoffs. If social restrictions last longer, Indonesia's economic condition will become more sluggish. For this reason, the government immediately relaxed the PSBB slowly so that the country's economy could run as usual with a record of newly implemented conditions, namely the New Normal condition.

During the new normal period, people are allowed to do activities or activities as usual before the pandemic, such as going to work and other activities. So that the public is urged to continue to follow health protocols while working. You must remain vigilant and maintain your health so that you are not infected with the covid-19 virus in the new normal period. Health protocols are health regulations for people who will work in the new normal conditions. With health protocols, it is hoped that people can protect themselves from being exposed to the coronavirus. That is likely to continue until a vaccine for this virus is found by experts.

To keep your activities productive while outside the home or in the office, you need to prepare the following starter pack. What starter packs need to be prepared? Check out the tips below:

1. mask

Masks are a mandatory item for anyone who leaves the house during a pandemic like now. Wear a mask starting from leaving the house, while at work, and also while traveling. If you use a cloth mask, try to change it regularly every 4 hours. So you should bring a spare mask in your bag.

2. Hand Sanitizer

In addition to using a mask, hand hygiene must always be maintained by washing with running water or using hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer is a versatile kit that is efficient and effective wherever you are to maintain hand hygiene. Use it when you are after doing something to keep your hands clean and hygienic. So, bring hand sanitizer when traveling.

3. Bring Personal Cutlery

It's much better for you to bring your own cutlery if you have to go back to work in the office. The reason is that the spread of the virus from saliva and cutlery is an inevitable medium. By bringing your own, you can also eat and drink more safely. Prepare a spoon, fork, lunch box and tumblr to drink by yourself from now on.

4. Bring Your Own Prayer Tools

From now on you need to bring personal prayer equipment such as sarongs, prayer mats and mukena. This is done to avoid contact with other people who could be carriers of the virus. In fact, it has just been issued an encouragement to bring your own prayer mat because the mosque will no longer provide it to reduce the transmission of the virus.

5. Face Shield

Face shields can protect the entire face because they are closed to the bottom of the chin. Some health workers use this and not infrequently people also use face shield hats to avoid the virus. Even later, face shields must be used when boarding trains or public transportation.

6. Enough Nutritious and Vitamin-Rich Foods

The last is self-protection from within, namely multivitamins. Even though we already protect from external protection, we also need to increase the body's immunity.

According to Dr. dr. Ariani Dewi Widodo, Sp.A(K) said that the human body's immune system is not always strong. At certain times, there are times when the body's immune system will weaken. "Although it plays a role as protection against disease, in certain circumstances the body's immune system can be weakened. Therefore, the function of the immune system must continue to be maintained, including by getting enough rest, regular exercise, and consuming nutritious and balanced foods consisting of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and enough water," he said, in a press release received (2020).

Even though the new normal regulations have come into effect, make sure you continue to practice physical distancing by avoiding direct contact and maintaining a distance of at least 1-2 meters from other people. Don't forget to prepare and bring this starter pack when you are outdoors. Neuronworks, Make It Easy

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