Siapkah Generasi Indonesia 2045 Hadapi Bonus Demografi?

Are Indonesian Generation 2045 Ready to Face the Demographic Bonus?

The demographic bonus is a situation where there is an increase in the population of a country at the productive age, which ranges from 16 to 65 years. The increase was also followed by a decrease in birth and death rates. 

          Indonesia is currently entering the era of bonus demografi, where the productive age population is more than the unproductive age.

          If this demographic bonus can be managed properly by the government, this condition will be an important capital to build towards 100 years of Indonesia's independence in 2045. However, if not managed properly, it can become a boomerang and a burden for the country.

          In his opinion quoted from, Imam Suyanto as Public Relations (PR) of the Ministry of Trade explained, the demographic bonus is divided into two sides. Both are the side of opportunity and the side of challenge. 

          The opportunity he was referring to is the momentum to reduce the unemployment rate, increase economic growth, and create quality human resources (HR). However, the challenge is that until now Indonesia still has various problems from several aspects. 

          In terms of human resources, Indonesia's workforce is still few with secondary and upper education, as a result, competitiveness is quite low. Not only that, employment is also still very few so that the unemployment rate in Indonesia is currently still quite high. 

Efforts made by the government

          From these problems, the government certainly strives so that the young generation of Indonesia is really ready to face it. The government's efforts that can currently be felt by the younger generation are the Independent Learning curriculum. Where the focus is on the aspect of developing creativity and innovation in problem studies. 

          Another government effort is the existence of a Pre-Employment Card in the hope that the community can create entrepreneurship so that jobs are created. In addition, the MSME financing support from the government in the form of People's Business Loans (KUR) is expected to help the community to develop their businesses.

          With such government efforts, of course, as a citizen, we must also try to support the government's efforts to prepare human resources ready for demographic bonuses. The younger generation as agent of change should have made a movement to support Indonesia's gold. A simple movement that may be done besides learning is to serve the community. 

          Seeing the opportunities and challenges, of course, this demographic bonus is not as easy as turning the palm of your hand. There needs to be a commitment from the government as a policy holder and the involvement of the community as an agent of change. If these two components have one vision, it can be believed that the golden Indonesia 2045 can really be realized. (*)

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Sumber : Siapkah Generasi Indonesia 2045 Hadapi Bonus Demografi? – ITS News
               Era Bonus Demografi, 69% Penduduk Indonesia Masuk Kategori Usia Produktif pada Juni 2022 (

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