Solusi Gaji Karyawan

Employee Payroll Solutions

Every year, companies are used to making salary adjustments with several indicators such as achievements, workload, working period, inflation rate, and government regulations increasing UMR 2019. Salary is a form of periodic payment from the company to its employees stated in an employment contract. Salary can be considered as the cost needed to obtain and support human resources.

In each salary there is a system of wages that employees get. The wage system starts from time, bonus wages, and others that apply to the company every month. Because each wage produced by employees is different, with many wage systems. There are also many problems that arise in the company regarding employee salaries. Such as making slips and new salary schemes, the number of absences is not appropriate, the calculation to overtime is still manual, therefore a solution to this problem is needed.

All solutions to every problem such as employee salary solutions can be solved with one solution, namely "DOOR". Smart applications that can streamline and streamline Human Resource management so that it can improve company performance.

What is DOOR?

DOOR HRMIS (Human Resource Management Information System) is a modern solution designed to simplify human resource management, for example in employee payroll solutions in companies. This application is equipped with various features, such as employee data management, attendance recording, salary calculation, and overtime, which help increase efficiency and accuracy in HR management.

In addition to facilitating HR operations, Door HRMIS also supports transparency and compliance with labor regulations. Therefore, by using this application, companies can save time and costs while increasing employee satisfaction.

Contact us immediately us to make it easier for your company to manage and improve services with DOOR!

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