Solusi Rekruitasi Karyawan Anda

Your Employee Recruitment Solution

Rekruitasi It is a series of processes for withdrawing a group of candidates based on the qualifications and criteria proposed by the company. This process is carried out in the hope of getting prospective employees who are competent in their fields. The recruitment stage of each company will certainly be different which is readjusted to the needs of each company. One thing that has something in common in the process is the obstacles in the process. The HRD team is often busy looking at the pile of CVs from applicants. HRDs have to sort out the applicants' profiles one by one manually, which of course takes quite a long time and extra energy.

Manual recruitment like earlier turned out to hinder the performance of the HR team. The HRD team is not only busy with the company's internal HR management affairs, but also busy with recruitment matters with a pile of applicant files. In addition, the manual recruitment process is also often hampered by the large number of scattered files which further increases the workload of HRD. So that solutions by utilizing technology are necessary to support the performance of HRDs.

The Door application is here to support the performance of the Company's HRD. Through this technology-based application, HRD teams can improve work performance and make their work easier. The recruitment process has also become more practical because data is no longer processed manually. Entering applicant data, collecting applicant data, and various other HRD tasks, becomes easier with just one application. Recruitment? Door Solution

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