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About Neuronworks

Neuronworks specializes in IT consulting. We create an inspiring workspace to develop innovative and impactful client applications. 

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PT. Neuronworks Indonesia beroperasi di sektor teknologi informasi, menyediakan solusi menyeluruh dari hulu ke hilir. Solusi kami membantu perusahaan menghadapi lanskap bisnis yang cepat berubah dan dinamis. Neuronworks telah mendapatkan sertifikasi SNI ISO 9001:2015 Sistem Manajemen Mutu dan ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Informasi serta berhasil menyelesaikan lebih dari 100 proyek TI nasional dan regional. Klien internasional kami termasuk Telkomcel Timor Leste dan Telin Malaysia. 


Improving customer performance by implementing enhancements, refinements, and advancements across all aspects of the customer's business processes through superior and best-in-class IT solutions.


  • Assisting in preparing a solid foundation for customers to achieve their full business potential through Information Technology. 
  • Continuously innovating products and services for the highest achievement in every solution. 
  • Providing reliable Information Technology solutions so that customers can easily complete their daily tasks. 

Subsidiary company


PT. Gumbira Wana Indonesia

Discover the beauty of the world with our premium travel services. We are ready to provide an unforgettable holiday experience for you and your family. 

jagoo it

PT. Jago Talenta Indonesia

We are ready to assist in accelerating your business needs by providing competent and characterful IT talents.


Our journey

The transformation journey of PT Neuronworks Indonesia from its initial foundation to continuous innovation, we are committed to delivering cutting-edge IT solutions. With enthusiasm Start To Lead, we continuously strive to advance ourselves, our team, and our business towards optimal achievement.

2008 – 2011 Neuron 1.0

The establishment of PT Neuronworks Indonesia. Founded by 5 founders from 2 companies that merged, with backgrounds in civil service, Excelcomindo, academia, and start-ups. Our journey in the information technology industry began. With a vision to provide innovative solutions, we are committed to meeting client needs and assisting companies in facing rapidly evolving and dynamic business challenges.

2012 – 2014 Neuron 2.0 

This year marks a new era for Neuronworks with the launch of a new logo, the move to our first office, and the first organizational restructuring. These changes bring a fresh spirit to face the ever-evolving challenges of the technology industry, while also strengthening our commitment to providing the best IT solutions for our clients. Neuronworks is now more prepared than ever to grow and innovate amidst the increasingly competitive market.

2015 – 2016 Neuron 2.1

The Organizational Restructuring 2 is carried out with a focus on the development of the Product Development Division and the launch of new products. This step aims to enhance innovation and efficiency in delivering better solutions for clients, as well as strengthening Neuronworks' position in the increasingly competitive technology market.

2017 – 2018 Neuron 2.2

Berpindah ke Kantor baru menandai tahap baru dalam pertumbuhan Neuronworks, bersamaan dengan dilaksanakannya Restrukturisasi Organisasi 3. Langkah ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan kolaborasi antar tim, serta memperkuat fokus pada inovasi dan layanan pelanggan, memastikan Neuronworks tetap siap menghadapi tantangan industri yang terus berubah.

2019 – 2021 Neuron 2.3

Enthusiasm, Increase Performance, Better & Happier  
Dengan semangat tinggi, kami fokus meningkatkan performa untuk menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang lebih baik dan lebih bahagia. Kami percaya bahwa tim yang bahagia akan menghadirkan inovasi dan layanan terbaik bagi klien.

2022 – kini Neuron 3.0

Transformasi PT Neuronworks Indonesia guna mewujudkan visi dan misi Perusahaan. Berfokus untuk membangun semangat dan antusias seluruh anggota team terhadap peningkatan performansi serta perbaikan pada seluruh aspek Perusahaan secara terus-menerus, sehingga harapan-harapan dapat segera terwujud. Hal ini sesuai dengan slogan Neuron 3.0 Start To Lead, Leading Self, Leading Team, Leading Bussiness.

PT Neuronworks Indonesia menyediakan solusi TI lengkap untuk membantu bisnis menghadapi perubahan yang cepat. Dengan sertifikasi SNI ISO 9001:2015 Sistem Manajemen Mutu dan ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Informasi dan lebih dari 100 proyek sukses, kami dipercaya oleh klien seperti Telkomcel Timor Leste dan Telin Malaysia.

History of Neuronworks

Management & Neuron team

We believe that a solid team is needed to achieve success!


BOD PT. Neuronworks Indonesia


Operational Management


Research Innovation & Development Services


Marketing & Product Implementation Services

WDS - 1st Group
WDS - 1st Group

Web Development Services

MDS - 1st Group
MDS - 1st Group

Mobile Development Services

DSAS - 1st Group
DSAS - 1st Group

Data Science & Database Application Services


Maintenance Support & Operational Services

Company Gathering
Company Gathering

PT. Neuronworks Family Member

Company Commitment

We provide the best environment for innovation, collaboration, and customized application development for clients, ensuring efficient solutions according to business needs.

Contact us

Need help with your business needs?

Contact and schedule a meeting with our professional team who is ready to provide the best service, from consultation to implementation, to ensure that every aspect of your business development aligns with industry standards and your company's specific needs.

Contact us
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