Tips Meningkatkan Logika Pemrograman

Tips for Improving Programming Logic

Logika pemrograman It is a process of various possibilities that occur in our program and gives instructions to the computer to perform tasks according to the program.

This is the art of programming languages, namely programming logic, just like the game you like, there are missions that must be done and when the mission can be completed, of course there is a sense of satisfaction.

The following have us Summary of the best ways to train programming logic:

  1. Create a Diagram

Draw a flow of your thoughts, understanding what went wrong and needed to be corrected. If you feel it is appropriate, you can immediately implement the diagram into the form of a program line.

2. Learn the Programming Paradigm

There are many programming paradigms, one of which is Object Oriented Programming or as we commonly know OOP. As the name implies, this programming solves an existing problem by being object-oriented. Because all functions are packaged in class This makes it easier for programmers to map program lines. So that later if it happens error You just need to focus on the classes related to error tersebut. Misal bagian yang error is a function to add data, so you don't need to tinker with the function or class in addition to adding data.

3. Learn about other people's projects

There are so many other people's programs that Open Source The code can be read and learned, you can get it through the internet or social media groups such as Facebook.

4. Conditioned Thinking

Programming logic must be able to think conditionally according to the situation, for example, if condition A is correct, then do action A, if condition B is correct, then do action B, but if not from both, then do action C, etc.

5. Increase Practice

Just like if we want to master a field, of course we have to try it a lot so that we will get used to it and be able to imagine what to do in the future.


Programming logic is actually the same as our daily activities, only it is translated into machine language, whatever our activities can be used as algorithms, just be honed and continue to be enthusiastic about trying.

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