Tips Produktif Bekerja Selama Bulan Ramadhan

Tips for Working Productively During Ramadan

Happy worship puasa for those of you who are Muslims. During the month of Ramadan, surely your office enforces different working hours, right? Generally, in any office, the time to enter and leave work becomes earlier so that you can break the fast at home. Then how to adjust to earlier working hours in a fasting state? Team neuronworks has summarized some surefire ways to stay productive in the office during the month of Ramadan.

1. Don't miss suhoor and pay attention to your nutritional intake

For those of you who live no longer with your parents, you must be lazy to feel like you have to wake up for suhoor, let alone prepare your own food. Especially if you still live alone and have no family, because there is no responsibility, so choose to go back to sleep. Wow, that's not good. Your fasting breakfast and lunch portions should be rapped to suhoor time.

In order not to be weak during the day, consider nutritional intake during suhoor by consuming grains that contain protein such as tofu and tempeh so that you can be full for a long time, vegetables and fruits that contain high water and fiber, and drink plenty of water so as not to become dehydrated. If you are used to consuming tea or coffee, it is better to avoid consuming these caffeinated drinks during suhoor or iftar because it can cause the body to dehydrate due to its diuretic properties. One more thing, don't overeat when breaking the fast!

2. Make a list of tasks as a daily target

First of all you have to remember first that working together with worship. Carrying out worship is certainly not easy, there are temptations ranging from hunger, thirst, to your emotions will definitely be tested. Moreover, when fasting, a lack of energy can cause your concentration to decrease, so you can find it difficult to focus when you are in the office. Therefore, to help you stay focused during fasting, you should make a list of tasks and determine the priority scale. If you have a meeting schedule, make a meeting in the morning while you're still fresh. Ahead of breaking the fast, the body usually begins to run out of energy after a day of activities. It would be better if the meeting could be done via video call so that it doesn't waste your energy, especially if there are many agendas.

3. Take time to rest

As explained in the previous point, when fasting you are easily weak. Instead of pushing yourself, it's better to take a break from your work. Luckily, in your office there is a Napping Room that you can use to take a nap for 10-15 minutes. Waking up early in the morning certainly affects your sleep hours. Especially if you choose to get ready for work right after dawn. It is also possible that you spend a lot of time at night doing tarawih and other worship so that your rest hours will be reduced. Take the time to change your breaks during the day while at the office. While it can't be as long as you need to, at least your body isn't too forced to keep working.

Those are tips to keep you productive at work during the month of Ramadan. The assumption that fasting can make people susceptible to disease is actually not true, because fasting provides many health benefits for those who do it. If you carry out the three things mentioned above, then your condition will be fit and avoid disease. Also read other interesting articles on the Neuronworks Website while waiting for the time to break the fast. Happy continuing the fast!

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