Tips & Trick Coding untuk Pemula

Coding Tips & Tricks for Beginners

Learn the basic concepts coding
  • Struktur Data: A special format for storing and analyzing data to suit its intended use.
  • Variabel: Elements that represent numbers, values, memory addresses, or strings of characters, allow programmers to create specific programs.
  • Control Structure: Programming blocks used to analyze variables and determine the next steps or processes.
  • Tools: A computer program that functions to create, support, maintain, and debug applications.
  • Syntax: Code that computers understand to realize the desired goals of the programmer.

Learn about the types of developers
  • Front-end developer: Developers who handle the appearance of websites, usually use CSS, JavaScript, and HTML.
  • Back-end developer: Developers who focus on managing applications, servers, and databases to ensure smooth communication without interruptions.
  • Full-stack developer: Developers who are responsible for improving and managing both the front-end and back-end of a website or application.

Understand the differences in programming languages
  • Style Sheet: The language used to set the appearance of the content, such as colors, fonts, and layout. Examples of languages that fall into this category are (CSS) and (SCSS).
  • Markup: A language that functions to handle the structure of a website or application and compile the information displayed. Examples of markup languages are (HTML), (XHTML), and (KML).
  • Script: A language that contains automatically executed computer commands. Some examples of programming languages for scripting are JavaScript, Ruby, Python, PHP, and Perl.
Start with HTML

HTML is a programming language with a simple syntax, making it easy for beginners to learn. In the HTML5 version, the syntax is very simple but still has minimal errors. Once you master HTML, you can start exploring other programming languages such as SCSS and CSS. You can also learn them together because HTML and CSS are often used together.

Pay attention to code created by others. Start by analyzing simple code so you don't feel overwhelmed by things that are too complicated at first. From the code, try to pay attention to the following:

  • The use of certain code that changes the existing function.
  • Possible errors in those snippets of code;
  • The method applied to that line of code;

Learn English

This trick is the least related to the world of coding or programming but is the most important. Because the documentation of tools & frameworks as well as programming language tutorials are much more written in English. It would be a different story if you had a personal translator and translate every word on your monitor. In addition, developer forums also use a lot of English, such as Stack Overflow, for example.

If this information is useful, don't forget to keep following us for updates about other technology information.

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