Tools Frontend & Server Monitoring Aplikasi

Frontend & Server Application Monitoring Tools

In the session Training Assessment Programmer Intermediate There are several materials that help in terms of work and new knowledge in improving hardskill with Frontend & Server Application Monitoring Tools especially for saya alone

The first is during the discussion of material about the front-end such as discussing HTML 5, Javascript, CSS The speaker proposed training members to install Extension Live Server. This Live Server aims to be when we make modifications to a script html, javascript or css. The Live Server will immediately load the latest script. Usually if I don't have an extension, I always do a refresh or clear cache so that the script runs as it should. With the help of the extension, it automatically follows the script we create. For programmers who want to move on to Front-End I think this is very important.

In addition, there is material that for me is new such as APM (Application Performance Management). APM is a management system method that focuses on monitoring and managing performance in an application. APM is also a very important tool to support the business processes that we will do. In this APM in Neuron, it is usually done by the RIDS team in the SysAdmin section to perform the config. In the training session, Programmers are given server access to configure Nginx, PHP, databases, and Laravel.

For me, the discussion material of the frontend tools $ servermonitoring adds new knowledge and how we monitor and configure the server as it should.

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