Top Automation Testing Tools to Use

Top Automation Testing Tools to Use

What is Automated Testing?

     Automation testing tools rely on pre-scripted tests that run automatically, comparing the expected results with the actual results. So that you can find out if the application or web is running according to what is expected.

     Automated testing can be done repeatedly, so if the results are not as expected, you will get
bugs that we can report to the developer team to be fixed.

Top Automation Testing Tools to Use
  • Katalon used for testing both from Mobile apps and desktop browsers. This testing tool provides recording and playback features, as well as supports testing on various platforms.
  • Cypress is a free test tool where it can run on Cl and can be used on operating systems such as Mac, Linux, and Windows.The testing tools support using all languages, be it javascript, Ruby, Node, C#, PHP. Cypress tests everything running in the context of the browser.
  • SonarQube is an open-source platform to automatically analyze source code with various programming languages such as Java, C#, JavaScript, PHP, and Ruby. The goal is to reduce the number of bugs and meet source code quality standards, improve software quality, and speed up the application development process.
  • Acunetix is a web application service tool for automated security testing that can help scan web applications to identify and resolve vulnerabilities such as SQL Injection, Cross site scripting, and other exploited web vulnerabilities.
  • Appium is an open-source framework for automated testing of mobile applications on Android and iOS platforms. With Appium, development teams can speed up the process of testing mobile applications and improve the quality of the applications they develop.

Sumber : Automation Testing tools yang wajib untuk di coba | by Pietro Ryanditha | SkyshiDigital | Medium

               10 Best Automation Testing Tools in 2023 [Updated] (

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