Training Programmer Intermediate

Training Programmer Intermediate

Intermediate Programmer Training is an important thing for business owners to pay attention to. Not only is it beneficial for the benefit of the employees themselves, but it also has benefits for the company itself.

Here saya will share their experiences regarding Intermediate programmer training training.  There are 5 materials discussed in the training session programmer . Namely HTML 5, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, PHP and OBSERVABILITY & VPS. The presenter divided the discussion session from the 5 materials above.

First, a training session to discuss HTML and CSS, in this HTML and CSS discussion session, the speaker explained how to use alignment, bootstrap, CSS selector, zindexCSS for me as a junior backend programmer, this material is important to improve frontend hard skills.

Second, after the HTML and CSS sessions were discussed, the next material was a discussion related to JAVASCRIPT. In this material, the presenter explained and practiced the use of functions in JAVASCRIPT, such as alerts, event listeners, browser events, and error handling. This session combines the results of the practice with the first session.

Third, in this session what will be discussed about PHP, namely how to use casting, checkVariable, colastingOperator, ternaryOperation, cloneObject, OvverideMethod. Participants are given a case study to make an attendance report.

Fourth, this session discusses OBSERVABILITY & VPS, this material is new to me. OBSERVABILITY discusses APM (Application Performance Management) more. APM is a management system method that focuses on monitoring and managing performance in an application, APM is also a very important tool to support the business processes that we will do. Examples of tools are kafka, New Relic, AppDynamic.  In practice, the presenter uses New Relic for his tools. How to install it and configure it

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