Trend Bahasa Pemrograman 2022 untuk Programmer

2022 Programming Language Trends for Programmers

There are several programming language trends that you can use for the process coding. Rekomendasi trend Programming Languages 2022 following from us What the programmer.

1. Python

Python is one of the most popular programming languages among programmer. This is because the language is quite simple and easy to use. programmer Understand. So there are quite a lot of Python enthusiasts, even suitable for those who are still beginners. For those of you who want to have a career in technology, you can learn Python. Especially those who want to have a career in the field of back end development, data scienceand machine learning.

2. JavaScript

Trend The next 2022 programming language is JavaScript. Today JavaScript is leading the programming industry better and more efficiently. The reason is that this language can programmer utilize it for various types of development projects. You can leverage JavaScript to build websites, apps, mobile app, dan software Other. Interestingly, there is a kind of library or framework that can programmer take advantage of it in building the project.

3. C/C++

Although it is included in the category of programming languages that have been around for a long time, it is still quite popular until now. Either C or C++, programmer need to learn both. Both types have a considerable influence on other types of languages. That way programmer akan lebih mudah dalam memahami cara kerja perangkat komputer dan bahasa coding secara garis besar. Selain itu, bahasa pemrograman C dan C++ juga banyak dipakai untuk membangun aplikasi dan juga video game. Large companies such as Microsoft and Windows also still use the language in building their projects.

4. Java

Even though it's been a long time, Java is still one of the programming languages that is quite popular in 2022. This happens because Java has a variety of uses and advantages. One of them is that it can be compatible with various hardware operating systems. And its use is also more practical for various types platform. The format of the language is similar to C and C++.

5. Swift

Suitable for anyone who wants to develop a system on iOS. They can use the Swift programming language. One of its advantages is that it has the property of open source code, so that developers are more free to build their projects. Swift also has a simple syntax and is user-friendly. Although it is more widely used by iOS developers, in fact many also use Swift to develop other projects. Major companies such as Mozilla Firefox and WordPress also use this programming language to develop their various projects. Interestingly, Swift can be connected to Objective-C, so beginners will easily understand.

6. Type Script

It has similarities to JavaScript, but Type Script is much simpler and easier to understand. Suitable for the developer Beginners who want to learn the world coding. However, Type Script is not interested in scientific groups. This happens because the language can only be used by users for development online, aplikasi mobile, dan desktop.

7. Kotlin

It falls into the category of programming languages that are still young or new. However, Kotlin is included in the category of popular programming languages in 2022. Developer can also switch their projects from Java to Kotlin because both are compatible. It is also suitable for developing applications based on Android, because Kotlin offers a wide range of conveniences when used.

8. Matlab

Trend Next is Matlab, which is specialized for the manufacture of control systems. However, Matlab is quite reliable for various areas of programming.

Such as exact science, science, engineer, and others. Scientists in the industrial sector also often rely on Matlab as their programming language.

Well, that's a series of trend bahasa pemrograman 2022 yang wajib programmer Learn if you want to become a professional. For those of you who already intend to enter the field of industrial technology, you can start learning the programming language.

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