Tunjangan Hari Raya Telat? Ini Solusinya!

Late Holiday Allowance? Here's the Solution!

Gift Tunjangan Hari Raya Religion is an obligation that must be carried out by every company. The obligation to provide Religious Holiday Allowances or commonly known as Religious Holiday Allowances is apparently regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower No. 6 of 2017 concerning THR Article 2 paragraph 1. Meanwhile, the amount of Religious THR that companies must give to their employees is regulated in the next article, namely article 3 paragraph 1. The provision of THR to employees is carried out no later than 7 days before religious holidays. The calculation and distribution of THR is usually carried out by the HRD team of a company ahead of religious holidays.

Complaint posts are usually established in the month of Ramadan to receive complaints from workers/laborers who have not received their rights. Companies that are late in paying THR will also be subject to a fine of 5% of the THR paid. To avoid delays in THR payments, the HRD team must also work extra so that the calculation and distribution of THR does not exceed the payment deadline. No less than 412 companies were recorded as violating the rules regarding THR payment (Republika, 2018).

For that us presenting DOOR to be a solution for the company's HRD team. THR and other financial calculations, there is no need to calculate manually anymore. With just one DOOR App, it's practical, easy, and fast. The available features and systems can also be adjusted to the needs of each company. DOOR is a smart solution for HRD.

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